Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
Back squat 7×2
5 rounds for time:
– 6 ground to overhead (135/95)
– 8 toes to bar
– 10 lateral squat jumps
rest 3 min, record total time
Mobility: shoulder focus
Technique work: OHS, SDLHP
– Overhead squat (95/65)
– Sumo deadlift high-pull
Surprise after-party
3 sets:
– 8 tough Hang Power Cleans (focus on hip extension)
– 8 Toes to Bar
rest 2 min
4 sets:
– 10 tough KBS
– 10 burpees AFAP
– sprint 100m
rest 3 min
Three sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squats x 6-8 reps @ 30X0
Rest 45 seconds
Turkish Get-Ups x 3-5 reps each side
(move slowly, be deliberate in each stage of the movement)
Rest 45 seconds;
and then,
For time:
10 Wall Ball Shots
10 Pull-Ups
9 Wall Ball Shots
9 Pull-Ups
1 Wall Ball Shot
1 Pull-Up
3 rounds of:
Clean pulls x 10 @ 21×1
Rest 90 seconds
Rings dips x max reps
Rest 90 seconds
Weighted Pull-ups
– in between sets work on hip/shoulder mobility
3 rounds AFAP:
– 400m run
– 15 thrusters (95/65)
10 min to find max clean & jerk
For time
60 Sit-ups
50 Box jumps
40 Wallballs
30 Ring dips
20 Pull-ups
10 Pistols (5 each leg)
5 Handstand push-ups