A) Close grip bench press @30X1; 3-4 x3; R2-3M
B) 100 straight legged abmat sit-ups for time
B) 50 T2B for time
4 sets:
40 sec AD very hard
rest 2:30-5 min
A) Close grip bench press @30X1; 3-4 x3; R2-3M
B) 100 straight legged abmat sit-ups for time
B) 50 T2B for time
4 sets:
40 sec AD very hard
rest 2:30-5 min
A) Build to a heavy full snatch – not a 1RM
B) EMOM x 5 min – 2 snatches @ 60% 1RM
Run 400 m @ 95%; rest 3 min x 3-5 (keep times the same)
A) Build this complex to a max PC x 1 + 3 push press (5-6 sets)
B) Seated Arnold press @20X1; 8-10x 3 sets
B) HSPU amrap; rest 4 mins x 3 (with kip if able)
C) 500 m row for time all out effort 1 attempt
D) FLR on rings accumulate 4mins (3 if you didn’t do it last week)
A1) front squat @41X1; 4-5×4; rest 1 min
A2) weighted pull up @21X0; 3-4×4; rest 90 sec
B) DB bent over row @21X0; 4-5×3; rest 1 min btw arms
4 sets:
– 10 db thrusters (moderate)
– 300m row @ 90% aerobic output
rest 90 sec
A) RFESS 5-7/side x 3 @ 30X1; R30 btwn – 60 sec after both (heavier than 5/1)
for time at 80-90% grinder pace:
Run 800m
rest 2mins
– 10 TGUP tough – alt hand per rep
– 10 burpee box jump step down (24/20”)
– 100 DU
– 10 wall walks
– 10 burpee box jump step down (24/20”)
rest 2mins
Run 800m
A1) Push press 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; rest 10sec
A2) 12 KBS (heavy); rest 3mins
B) emom – DL TnG x 5 60% of 1rm – 5mins (heavier than 5/7)
C) FLR on rings accumulate 3mins
8 min 85% effort
– 10 walking lunges
– 10 situps
– 10 DB snatch 60/40# alt hands per rep
rest 4mins
8 min 85% effort
– Run 200m
– 10 HR pushups
– 10/7 pull ups
rest 4mins
8 min 85% effort
– 8 DB hang power cleans (50/30)
– 3 HSPU kipping
– Row 200m
A) Build to a heavy but sound power snatch in 8 min
B) EMOM – 12mins
odd – Power snatch TnG x 5 (moderate weight)
even – burpee x 10
Row 40 sec at 97% x 4-5; rest 3:20