4 rounds @ 80-90%

– 500 m row

– 10 Deadlifts (225/155, 185/115, 135/95)

– 15 Burpees

– 20 Wallballs (20/14)

– 25 DUs (3x for singles)



*Record round times

*Keep each round time the same.


reserve a class

Spring Body Composition Retest

A) Front squats 3-5×3 @ 33X1; R2-3M

B1) Powell raise @30X1; 6-8/arm; R90S

B2) Weighted chin up 2-3 x 4; R90S


B2) 4 Negative pull-ups + 6 heavy DB rows/arm; R90S

C1) 4 TGUP AHAP (2/arm) x3; R90S

C2) 10-15 T2B AFAP x3; R90S


A. clean and jerk build to a tough single in 10mins

B. emom – PC + jerk 65% of 1rm x 2-3 – 8mins


10 push jerk TnG (135/95, 115/75, 95/65)

Run 400m

rest 2:30 x 3


A) EMOM x10min

Odd: 5 power clean @ 65%

Even: 12 abmat sit-ups

B1) DB bench press 6-8 @ 30X1; R60S

B2) Weighted pull-ups 2-3; R60S

C1) BB Pendlay row 5-6 @ 20X1; R60S

C2) Powell raise 6-8/arm @ 30X1; R60S


A) Hang squat snatch 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 60 sec (compare to 4/7


6 rounds of..

In two minutes, complete the following:

– Double-Unders x 20 reps

– 200 Meter Run

– Wallballs (20/14) x Max Reps


*Rest 2-3 min after each.

*Proficient at DUs? Do 30.

*Score is total number of wallballs.


A) Strict press EMOM x5; 3 reps (heavy) @2111

B1) RFESS 5-7/side x 3 @ 30X1; R30 btwn – 60 sec after both

B2) Bent over row w/DB 5-7×4 @20X1; R60S

C1) Good mornings 6-8×3 @ 30X1; R30S

C2) 5-10-15-20 ring dips for time x3 (pick reps depending on ability)



4-5 rounds at 90%:

– 500 m row

– 10 power snatches (75/45)

– 10 pull-ups/ring rows

– 10 box jump – step down (24/20)




4-5 rounds at 90%:

– 500 m row

– 14 power snatches (75/45)

– 14 pull-ups

– 14 box jump – step down (24/20)



*Switch order each set.

*Keep round times the same.

*5 rounds if time permits.

*Record times


A) EMOM x 10

– 1 full clean starting at 60% and building

B) Front squats 4-6×3 @30X1; R2-3M

C) *Tester*

3 rounds for time:

– 25 KB swings (70/53, 53/35)

– 25 burpees