Skill: Squat Clean
Four sets of:
Squat Clean 2,2,2,2 (build up to a tough double)
Rest 60 seconds
Barbell Ab-Rollout x 4-6 reps @ 4110
Rest 90 seconds;
and then,
15 min AMRAP:
– 10 wallball (20/15)
– 10 box jumps (24’/20′)
– 10 ring dips
Skill: Squat Clean
Four sets of:
Squat Clean 2,2,2,2 (build up to a tough double)
Rest 60 seconds
Barbell Ab-Rollout x 4-6 reps @ 4110
Rest 90 seconds;
and then,
15 min AMRAP:
– 10 wallball (20/15)
– 10 box jumps (24’/20′)
– 10 ring dips
Technique: Power Snatch
Build up to a heavy power snatch in 12 min
1 Round for Time:
– 21 OH Squats (95/65)
– 42 Pull-Ups
– 15 OH Squats
– 30 Pull-ups
– 9 OH Squats
– 18 Pull-Ups
Five sets of:
Front Squat x 3 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Ring Dips x Max Reps
Rest 2 minutes;
Three rounds for time of:
8 x Front Squat (use 85-90% of 3-RM)
400 Meter Run
6 sets of Deadlifts:
1=5 reps @ 50% of 1-RM,
2=3 reps @ 75%,
3=1 rep @ 85%,
4=1 rep @95%,
5=1 rep @ 100-105% of 1-RM,
6=Exceed previous set weight)
*Rest 3 minutes between lifts
(Your lift shall be considered a failure if you fail to maintain proper posture throughout the movement. I’m looking for technical perfection for each rep.)
“Bear Hug”
Five rounds of:
20-yard Bear Crawl
5 Deadlifts (use 75-80% of today’s 1RM)
10 Hand-Release Push-ups
Five sets of:
Push Press x 2-4 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Knees to Elbows x 8-12 reps – strict, no kipping or swinging
Rest 2 minutes
– 115/75 lb. Push Press
– Pull-Ups
Five sets of:
Back Squat x 2-4 reps @ 30X1
Rest 60 seconds
100 m Farmer’s walk AFAP (2 x 45#/2 x 35#)
Rest 2 minutes
Four rounds for time of:
40 Double-Unders
30 Box Jumps
20 KB Swings
“Burp the Baby”
– Power cleans (135/95)
– Bar-facing burpees
October challenge
4 rounds for time:
– 5 wall walk ups
– 10 overhead squats (95/65)
– 30 sit ups
– 400 m run