A1) Push press @12X1 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; rest 10sec (build in weight)
A2) 6-8 UB CTB pull-ups; rest 3mins
B) EMOM x 5 min – Deadlift TnG x 5 60% of 1rm
C) 20 TGUP (53/35) – alt. hands per rep; not for time
A1) Push press @12X1 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; rest 10sec (build in weight)
A2) 6-8 UB CTB pull-ups; rest 3mins
B) EMOM x 5 min – Deadlift TnG x 5 60% of 1rm
C) 20 TGUP (53/35) – alt. hands per rep; not for time
10min 85% effort
– Row 200m
– 8 ring dips
– 8 squat jump touch about 6″ above reach
rest 4 min
8min 85% effort
– Run 200m
– 5 clean and jerks (115/75, 95/65, 75/45)
– 10 HR pushups
rest 4 min
8min 85% effort
– 30 DU
– 7 burpees
– 10 walk lunges
A) HB Backsquat 3, 3, 3, 3; R3M (build as you can)
– 60 sec double unders
rest 60 sec
– 60 sec burpees
rest 2 min
30 sec AD very hard
rest 2:30-4:30
walk 400m cooldown
A) Close grip bench press @30X1; 4-6 x3; R2-3M
B1) RFESS 5-7/side x 3 @ 30X1; R30 btwn – 60 sec after both (heavier than 4/23)
B2) Pendlay row 4-6×3 @20X1; R60S
C1) Good mornings 6-8×3 @ 30X1; R30S
C2) 5-10-15-20 HSPU for time x3 (pick reps depending on ability)
A) Build to a heavy but technically sound power snatch in 8 min
B) EMOM x 10min
Even: 4-5 TnG power snatches @ 70%
Odd: 5 burpee box jumps (24/20)
C) Banded partner sprints
– Wall to wall x 5 laps; R2:45
D) 3 min FLR accumulated
The Mobile Hydrostatic Body Fat Test truck will be back out at EDCF on Monday, May 12th, from 4-8pm. Time to see how all that hard work has payed off!
Register ——–> HERE
Check out the link on how to register for a specific time to re-test and how to collect your re-test discount. The winner will receive a $100 gift card to Lululemon!
*This is for members only.
4 rounds @ 80-90%
– 500 m row
– 10 Deadlifts (225/155, 185/115, 135/95)
– 15 Burpees
– 20 Wallballs (20/14)
– 25 DUs (3x for singles)
*Record round times
*Keep each round time the same.
A) Front squats 3-5×3 @ 33X1; R2-3M
B1) Powell raise @30X1; 6-8/arm; R90S
B2) Weighted chin up 2-3 x 4; R90S
B2) 4 Negative pull-ups + 6 heavy DB rows/arm; R90S
C1) 4 TGUP AHAP (2/arm) x3; R90S
C2) 10-15 T2B AFAP x3; R90S