We are so very proud of Kay Knox as she officially became part of the Dallas Fire Department last Friday! When Kay started here almost 2 years ago she was struggling to pass the physical test required to get into the academy. Kay got stronger, faster, and overall more badass and crushed it. We are so lucky to have her, Charles, and Lullaby as members. Way to go Kay!
Author: Ryan Savard
12 min @ 85%
– Run 200m
– bear crawl 20m
– 10 walk lunges
8 min @ 90%
– Row 200m
– 3 wall walks
4 min @ 95%
– 10 KB swings 53/35
– 30 DU
A) Power clean cluster TnG 3. 3. 3; rest 10sec/rest 3mins x 3
B) EMOM – 12mins
odd – HSPU x 3-8
even – 5-6 TnG power cleans (135/95, 115/75, 95/55)
C) AMRAP kipping pull-ups in 20 sec; rest 2 min x 3
D) 4 sets:
40 sec AD very hard
rest 2:30-5 min
*PC compare to 5/9
Drinks At The Ginger Man!
Come join us at the brand new Ginger Man – Lakewood this Sunday, June 8th, from 2-4pm.
It’s patio weather in Dallas and you know what that means? Another EDCF social event is in order. Join us next Sunday, June 8th, at the brand new Ginger Man – Lakewood. We’ll be there from 2-4pm so come for a drink or two or three (no judging). This is your chance to mingle with all those awesome people that you don’t see in your normal classes. Not a member? That’s fine! Come anyway. Friends are invited too!
Where: 6431 La Vista Dr.
When: 2-4pm
A) 10 min build to a tough split jerk
B1) Front squat @30X1; 3,2,2,2; R30S
B2) Weighted dips @ 20X1; 3,3,3,3; R2M (or 10 box dips)
C) Tabata hollow rocks; 8 sets
10min 85% effort:
– Run 200m
– 20 DU
– 10 air squats
rest 4mins
10min 85% effort:
– 2 wall walks
– 2 burpee MU/CTB pull-up/5 ring rows
– Row 200m
rest 4mins
10min 85% effort:
200m run
10 walking lunges
10 HR push ups
*Work on pacing to keep output sustainable
A) Build to a Hang Squat Clea TnG max in 10 min
B) EMOM – 10 min
odd – 12 wall balls 20/14# 10/9′ target
even – 6-10 T2B
C) hollow hold 60 sec; 3 sets; rest 2 min
The Results Are In
The Spring Body Composition and Attendance Challenge has officially come to a close and we are proud to announce the results! Over the last 9 weeks we have had several committed individuals who put in work and changed themselves for the better through tweaks in nutrition and increased class attendance.
Matt Sitser is your body composition winner after a very close race. He had an overall 20.12% decrease in fat mass in only 9 weeks. He also stacked on 7lbs of muscle which is almost unheard of! There were a couple of others who we have to mention as well. Jason Anderson, who has been killing it by the way, came in second with a 17.36% change. Letecia McClendon hit a nice 16.2% while Shannon Mullinix put up a 14.98% decrease. Well done everyone! Super impressive!
Liz Dominguez won the attendance portion of the challenge. She attended a total 0f 39 classes in just 9 weeks. This number just goes to show you Liz’s commitment to our program. She has been a rockstar recently and has made big strides since joining with us.
Both Matt and Liz will receive $100 gift cards to Lululemon. Congrats you two!