A1) 3xME Zercher Carry (heavier than last) – rest 60 sec.

A2) 3×10 Horizontal Ring Rows – rest 60 sec.

B) 21-15-9 reps for time of:

– Hang clean (135/95)
– Box jumps (24/20, step down)

A) 5×3 Deadlift (start at 80%) – rest as needed

B) 10 min AMRAP

– 20 Double unders

– 10 KB Snatches (53/35)

– 5 Ring Dips

C) 4x 30-45 sec. of Flutter Kicks – rest 1 min

A1) 3×16 Barbell Weighted Step-Ups In Front Rack, 8/side – rest 60 sec.

A2) 3×12 Kroc Row – rest 120 sec.


B) 4×5 BTN Snatch Grip Push-Press off rack – rest 90 sec.

C) 3×3/side Turkish Get Up AHAP – rest as needed


B) 5x 1 Power Snatch at 70-75% + 2 BTN Push Press – rest 60 sec.

C) 3×3/side Turkish Get Up AHAP – rest as needed

A) 5×3 Power Clean + Push Jerk – rest 2 min

  • all reps should be touch and go
  • performance build to a 3RM
  • function build to a challenging 3 reps

B) 4xME HSPU – rest 2 min

C) 4 Band Resistant Sprints w/ Partner, down and back – rest while other works

D) 50 Burpees AFAP

A1) 5X5 Tempo HBBS @ 75% – rest 60 sec.

A2) 5×2 3-Stop Snatch 1st Pull – rest 60 sec.

B1) 3xME pull-ups – rest 60 sec.

B2) 3×20-30 sec./side Bird Dog – rest 120 sec.

A1) 4×3 Deadlift, build up from 70% (slightly heavier than last week) – rest 20 sec

– Performance/Compeition perform from 4″ deficit

A2) 3xME UB Toes 2 Bar

B) 6 sets not for time:

– Hill sprint @100% effort

– walk back inside

– 40 UB Double Unders

– walk back outside


A1) 5×3 Push Press AHAP – rest 60 sec

A2) 5×5 Seated Box Jumps – rest 60 sec

B1) 3×5 Pendlay Row – rest 60 sec

B2) 3xME HSPU – rest 60 sec

C) 3×20 Partner Medball Sit-ups




A) 7×1 Clean & Jerk – rest 60-90 sec.

*Start light and build depending on form.


A) 7×1 Clean & Jerk, starting at 70% and building – rest 60-90 sec.

*Build to a new 1RM if able


B.) 3 rounds for total working time @ 100%:

– 250 m row sprint

– 16 KB snatches (53/35)

– 8 burpee over the box jumps (24/20″)

*rest 4 min

C.) Accumulate 3 min FLR