Friday 12-19-13

A) Hang squat snatch

– Build to a tough double in 6-7 sets

B) Heaving snatch balance; 3×4 sets; rest 2 min


Row sprint 25sec all out

rest 3:00 x 3


Airdyne 20 sec all out

rest 3:00 x 3


*all out means balls to the wall 100%

*if snatch balance unattainable based on flexibility restrictions work on overhead squat with raised heels


4 rounds at 80-90%:

– 400 m run

– 10 deadlifts (225/155)

– 10 CTB pull-ups/pull-ups

– 10 lateral burpees over bar

– 20 sit-ups

*rest 3-4 min

*switch order up every round, record all times

*deadlifts should be perfect or weight should be shed immediately


A) Front Squat 3-4×3 @ 30X1; rest 2 min (heavier than 12/13)


For time:

– 1,000m row

Rest 1 min

3 rounds of:

– 12 front rack weighted reverse lunges (135/95, 115/75, 95/55)

– 12 KB snatches (heavy)

– 12 box jump step downs (24/20)

Rest 1 min

– 1,000m row


*try and match row times

*pick steady pace to grind through this one

*frontward and/or unweighted lunges are ok if reverse are unattainable

*snatches can be broken up however if needed, 12 total per round

A) Clean pulls 1.1.1×3 rest 10 sec/2 min

B) Power clean cluster TnG 2.2.2×3 rest 15 sec/2-3min

C) EMOM x 10 min

– Odd: 5 TnG clean and jerk (135/95, 115/75, 95/55)

– Even: 30 double unders or 30 lateral hops over bar

D) Optional coach finisher if time permits


A) Clean pulls 1.1.1 x3 rest 10 sec/2 min

B) Every 90 seconds perform 1 power clean + 1 hang squat clean + 1 jerk; 6 sets

C) Front Squat 4-5×3 @ 30X1; rest 90 sec (heavier than 12/2)


500m row all out 100%

– rest 90 sec on rower

500m row all out 100%


– Clean pulls should be over 1RM clean

– Warm up to the clean complex well, should start heavyish and add weight each set if able

– Raise heals on FS if mobility issues in hips or ankles, upright torso is goal

– Compare 500m row times.


A) Muscle up skill work

– 3×8 turnovers

– 3×5 jumping MUs

– Max rep MU in 2-3 attempts

B) Single legged deadlift; 6-8 reps x 3; rest 30 sec btwn sides/90 after both

C) EMOM for 12 min

Odd – 12 KB snatches UB

Even – 10 tall box step ups


A) Build to a 1RM strict press in 8 min


80-90% effort

– 10 DB thrusters

– 15 ring rows

– 20 sit-ups

– 20 cal row

rest 3mins



3 sets 80-90% effort


3 sets

– 10 thrusters 135/85, 115/65

– 10-15 pull ups

– 20 sit-ups

– 20 cal row

rest 3mins


*Thrusters should be tough but UB at least for first 2 sets.

*Get at least 10 pull-ups in. If you can do more UB then try and get to 15.

*Repeat times for each round as close as possible


A) HB Back squat 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1; rest 2 min

B1) Bent over DB/KB row 6-8/arm; rest 90 sec after both

B2) DB bench press 6-8; rest 90 sec x3


For time @90-95%:

– Run 400m

– 30 wall balls (20/15)

– 100 DUs (300 singles)

– 30 Toes 2 bar/knee 2 chest/v-up

– Run 400m


*Squat wave means that you should go heavier on the second 3, 2, 1 than on the first

*Keep consistent on toes to bar. Keep range of motion the same if scaling. Break up as needed.