A) E3MOM x 15 min (5 sets)
– 6-8 L-seated DB overhead presses @2111
– 6-8 supinated bent over BB rows @2111
– 12 KB/DB death march
B) E5MOM x 4-5 sets @ 90%:
– Run 400m
– 10 burpee pull-ups
– 20-40 double unders
A) E3MOM x 15 min (5 sets)
– 6-8 L-seated DB overhead presses @2111
– 6-8 supinated bent over BB rows @2111
– 12 KB/DB death march
B) E5MOM x 4-5 sets @ 90%:
– Run 400m
– 10 burpee pull-ups
– 20-40 double unders
A) Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets of each):
Station 1 – muscle-ups with pause at receiving and pause at full extension x 2-5 reps
OR low ring muscle up progression + dip catch & extension x 3-4 reps
Station 2 – handstand walk x 30ft
OR 3-5 walk walks – stay in hollow position
Station 3 – L-sit x 30-45 seconds accumulated
B) Every 6 minutes x 3-4 sets all out:
– 20/15 cal row
– sled sprint drag down and back
– 100m sprint
Sign up for the CrossFit Open starting February 23rd! (click link)
We are so happy to formally introduce Coach Katherine to the EDCF community! A long proponent of fitness, she came to us with a background in and passion for coaching. Her personable nature and calm demeanor are just what we were looking for in a coach. You can typically find Katherine coaching the Tuesday evening classes but you better have your kettlebell game on point! Check out a little more about Katherine below:
“I found East Dallas CrossFit in the Spring of 2016 and immediately felt like part of the family. I grew up in Dallas playing volleyball, basketball, and tennis (I was the only girl in my high school class to earn 12 varsity letters #humblebrag), and over the years, my athletic endeavors have run the gamut from half marathons and flag football teams to yoga, rowing, circus school, and more. I’ve always loved working out, but after completing a Tough Mudder back in 2012, I needed a new challenge. My best friend had been pestering me to try out CrossFit for over a year, so I finally signed up for beginner classes and was hooked from the first wall ball.
I am one of the lucky people who can say CrossFit helped change my life. After graduating from UT Austin with a Bachelors of Journalism, I spent over a decade in finance. I began coaching CrossFit in 2013 at a different gym and ran an all-female lifting class where I saw just how empowering strength training could be; around that time, I realized how unfulfilled I was in my 8 to 5 spreadsheet job, and how incredibly motivated I was to help people achieve their goals. Because of that, I left finance and now work as a Career Counselor in UTD’s School of Management, where I am an advocate to 8000+ students and have the privilege of coaching them through their job and internship searches.
I am CrossFit Level I and Kettlebell certified and have a deep love for double-unders. I am passionate about helping people find their confidence through fitness and wholeheartedly believe that CrossFit can play a pivotal role in achieving your goals, because it did mine!”
A) E3MOM x 9 minutes (3 working sets)
– power clean TnG clusters 3.3.3
*R10S between clusters – build each set
B) AMRAP in 2 minutes:
– 8 Deadlifts (225/155, 185/125, 155/105, 135/95)
– 8 burpees over the barbell
Rest 2 minutes, and then…
AMRAP in 2 minutes
– 6 power cleans (185/135, 155/105, 135/95, 115/75)
– 6 CTB pull-ups
Rest 2 minutes, and then…
AMRAP in 2 minutes:
– 4 shoulder to overhead (155/105, 135/95, 115/75, 95/55)
– 4 toes to bar
Rest 2 minutes, and then repeat for a second full set.
Sign up for the CrossFit Open starting February 23rd! (click link)
What is the CrossFit Open? The Open is a series of 5 workouts spanning over 5 weeks where CrossFit athletes can record their scores and measure themselves up against others in their same age group, region, or anyone across the entire world. Whether you are a Games bound athlete or you just want to prove it to yourself that you can do it, the Open is for everyone. There is a scaled version of each workout so even if you cannot complete the workout as prescribed, you can still compete and submit a score.
Starting in 2014 we chose to make the Open a sort of festivity at East Dallas CrossFit. Every Friday evening at 6:30pm, starting on February 24th, we will host Friday Night Lights. This is a time when all of the EDCF athletes who signed up for the Open can come in and do the workouts in a competitive and high energy atmosphere. Oh and we will also have beer and promise you a good time.
So why should you do the Open? The best answer I can give you is to do it for yourself. This is a time when you can apply all the training you’ve endured at the gym and make it mean something. To prove that you can. Will you make it to the Games this year? Statistically speaking you probably won’t. What you will do is come out of it with a new sense of pride, mental and physical fortitude, and appreciation for our CrossFit community here at EDCF. Prove it to yourself. It is a challenge, but one we all go through together and come out the other end better for having done it.
For some extra motivation, check out the first Open workout from 2014 at the gym. You might recognize a few faces! 🙂
Monday 2/20
A) E2MOM x 8 min (4 sets) – front squat
– 2-3 reps at or heavier than 2/10
E3MOM x 9 min (3 sets) – front squat
– 1-2 reps heavier than above
*goal is to hit 95%.
B) 3 rounds for time:
– 400m run
– 10 DB hang squat clean thrusters (50/35ish per hand)
– 50 double unders
C) 1 set for efficiency:
– 50 banded pull-aparts
– 1 minute per side BB calf smash
– 1 minute per side BB quad smash
– 1 minute per side 90° bench stretch
*practice deep slow breaths as you are cooling down
Tuesday 2/21
A) E3MOM x 9 minutes (3 sets)
– power clean TnG clusters 3.3.3
*R10S between clusters – build each set
B) 2 sets for reps:
AMRAP in 2 minutes
– 8 Deadlifts (225/155, 185/125, 155/105, 135/95)
– 8 burpees over the barbell
Rest 2 minutes, and then…
AMRAP in 2 minutes
– 6 power cleans (185/135, 155/105, 135/95, 115/75)
– 6 CTB pull-ups
Rest 2 minutes, and then…
AMRAP in 2 minutes:
– 4 shoulder to overhead (155/105, 135/95, 115/75, 95/55)
– 4 toes to bar
Rest 2 minutes, then repeat…
Wednesday 2/22
A) Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets of each):
Station 1 – muscle-ups with pause at receiving and pause at full extension x 2-5 reps
OR low ring muscle up progression + dip catch & extension x 3-4 reps
Station 2 – handstand walk x 30ft
OR 3-5 walk walks – stay in hollow position
Station 3 – L-sit x 30-45 seconds accumulated
B) Every 6 minutes x 3-4 sets all out:
– 20/15 cal row
– sled sprint drag down and back
– 100m sprint
Thursday 2/23
A) E3MOM x 15 min (5 sets)
– 6-8 L-seated DB overhead presses @2111
– 6-8 supinated bent over BB rows @2111
– 12 KB/DB death march
B) E5MOM x 4-5 sets @ 90%:
– Run 400m
– 10 burpee pull-ups
– 20-40 double unders
Friday 2/24
CrossFit Open Workout 17.1
Saturday 2/25
8am Masters CF
9am CrossFit
10am CF Open 17.1 (make up)
Sunday 2/26
8am CF Endurance
A) E2MOM x 8 min (4 sets) – front squat
– 2-3 reps at or heavier than 2/10
E3MOM x 9 min (3 sets) – front squat
– 1-2 reps heavier than above
*goal is to hit 95%.
B) 3 rounds for time:
– 400m run
– 10 DB hang squat clean thrusters (50/35ish per hand)
– 50 double unders
C) 1 set for efficiency:
– 50 banded pull-aparts
– 1 minute per side BB calf smash
– 1 minute per side BB quad smash
– 1 minute per side 90° bench stretch
*practice deep slow breaths as you are cooling down
Sign up for the CrossFit Open starting February 23rd! (click link)
A) E3MOM x 15 min – Deadlift
Set 1: 10 @ 55% 1RM
Set 2: 10 @ 65%
Set 3: 8 @ 75%
Set 4: 6 @ 80%
Set 5: 4 @ 85%
*Try for TnG on reps if possible.
B) 3 sets for efficiency:
– 2-3 regular or 1-2 legless rope climbs
– 1 lap contralateral carry per side (KB overhead, DB farmer’s hold)
– 20 reps elevated banded march
– 10 kneeling pallof presses per side (green or red band)
Sign up for the CrossFit Open starting February 23rd! (click link)
A) E3MOM x 15 min (5 sets)
– 6-8 seated BB overhead press @2111
– 6-10 supinated ring rows @2111
– 8-10 alt. KB/DB goblet hold crossover box step-ups (slow and controlled)
B) EDCF Capacity Test 3.0
For max calories:
– 3 minute row
Rest 4 minutes until the running clock reaches 7:00, and then…
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
– 5 strict pull-ups
– 10 perfect push-ups
– 15 air squats
*Add calories to total reps completed to get a grand total.
*If you can’t complete 10 UB perfect push-ups, scale by elevating to box or bench.
Sign up for the CrossFit Open starting February 23rd! (click link)