7x 3 stop snatch 1st pull + 1 high hang snatch – rest 60 sec.

*Work up to a tough load by set 4 and stay there for 5, 6, & 7.



Run 800m
9 Burpees THEN 9 Pull-ups
15 Hang Squat Cleans @ 95/65#
Run 400m
7 Burpees THEN 7 Pull-ups
10 Hang Squat Cleans @ 95/65#
Run 200m
5 Burpees THEN 5 Pull-ups
5Hang Squat Cleans @ 95/65#


Run 800m
9 Burpee C2B Pull-ups
15 Hang Squat Cleans @ 115/75#
Run 400m
7 Burpee C2B Pull-ups
10 Hang Squat Cleans @ 115/75#
Run 200m
5 Burpee C2B Pull-ups
5 Hang Squat Cleans @ 115/75#


Run 800m
7 Burpee Muscle-ups
15 Hang Squat Cleans @ 115/75#
Run 400m
5 Burpee MU
10 Hang Squat Cleans @ 115/75#
Run 200m
3 Burpee MU
5 Hang Squat Cleans @ 115/75#

*20 minute cut-off.

reserve a class

A1) 4×5 Good Mornings – rest 60 sec

A2) 4xME Ring Dips – rest 60 seconds

B) 4 rounds @ 100% effort:

– Row 20/15 cal

– 12 KB swings (heavy)

– 8 burpees

A) 1×20 High Bar Back Squat

*If you completed last weeks, add 5lbs to the bar. Make sure all reps are lowest possible depth.

B) 3 rounds for time:

– 400m run

– 15 toes 2 bar

– 5 clean & jerks

*Rest 3 min

Function: 96/65

Performance: 135/85

Competition: 185/105

C) Handstand walk/hold practice




A1) 3×10 Bench Press @ 70-72.5% – rest 20 sec

A2) 3×10/side Kroc Row (heavy) – rest 2 min

B1) 3×6/side Alternating KB Snatch (2 KBs – one each hand) – rest 60 sec

B2) 3×5 Seated Box Jumps (higher than last time) – rest 60 sec

C) 50 slow and controlled abmat sit-ups

A) 7×2 tall clean + 1 push jerk – rest 60 seconds

Working on speed under the bar after the shrug. Perform two tall cleans (watch video) then one push jerk.

B) “Jackie”

For time:

– 1,000 m row

– 50 thrusters (45/35 barbell)

– 30 pull-ups

Jackie is the 1st WOD of the 2013 CrossFit Regionals.

C) Optional coach finisher


A) 3×10 Deadlifts @ 70% (perfect form!) – rest 3 min

B) For time:

400 m run

2 rounds of:

– 50 double unders

– 40 sit-ups

– 30 KB snatch 15/side (53/35)

– 20 goblet squat

– 10 reps of handstand push-up

400 m run


A1) Press – build to a new max in 10 min

B1) 4×5 mix grip pull-ups (add weight if you’re a bodyweight ninja) alternate sides – rest 20 seconds

B2) 4×5 seated box jumps – rest 60 seconds

C) 30 turkish get-ups at a steady pace


A1) 3×5 Pendlay Row – rest 60 sec

A2) 3×20 sec couch stretch R/L

B) 20 min AMRAP:

– 10 barbell walking lunges (95/65)

– 10 HR push-ups

– 10 KB swings (53/35)

– 200 m run