A) EMOM x 12 min

Even: Close grip bench press 70% @ 20X1; 3-4

Odd: Romanian deadlift @ 20X1; 4-5 reps (moderate, perfect form)

B1) Weighted pull-up 2-3; R20S

B2) DB bent over row 4-6; @ 20X1; R2M

C) AD or row for max cals in 1 min

– rest 3 min –

AD or row for max cals in 1 min


12 min @ 85%

– Run 200m

– bear crawl 20m

– 10 walk lunges


8 min @ 90%

– Row 200m

– 3 wall walks


4 min @ 95%

– 10 KB swings 53/35

– 30 DU


A) Power clean cluster TnG 3. 3. 3; rest 10sec/rest 3mins x 3

B) EMOM – 12mins

odd – HSPU x 3-8

even – 5-6 TnG power cleans (135/95, 115/75, 95/55)

C) AMRAP kipping pull-ups in 20 sec; rest 2 min x 3

D) 4 sets:

40 sec AD very hard

rest 2:30-5 min

*PC compare to 5/9


A) 10 min build to a tough split jerk

B1) Front squat @30X1; 3,2,2,2; R30S

B2) Weighted dips @ 20X1; 3,3,3,3; R2M (or 10 box dips)

C) Tabata hollow rocks; 8 sets


10min 85% effort:

– Run 200m

– 20 DU

– 10 air squats

rest 4mins


10min 85% effort:

– 2 wall walks

– 2 burpee MU/CTB pull-up/5 ring rows

– Row 200m

 rest 4mins

10min 85% effort:

200m run

10 walking lunges

10 HR push ups


*Work on pacing to keep output sustainable


A) Build to a Hang Squat Clea TnG max in 10 min

B) EMOM – 10 min

odd – 12 wall balls 20/14# 10/9′ target

even – 6-10 T2B

C) hollow hold 60 sec; 3 sets; rest 2 min

A) HB Backsquat 3, 3, 3, 3; R3M (build as you can)


3 sets 80-90% effort

Row 500m

– 5 burpees

– 10 box jump on and overs 24/20″

– 15 KBS 1.5/1pd

– 20 wall balls 20/14# 10/9′ target

rest 4-5mins


*Compare A to 5/5

*Try for all sets to have the same pace.


A) Build to a tough set of this complex in 5-6 sets:

2 Push press + 1 Split jerk

B1) Close grip bench press @30X1; 2-3×3; R1M

B2) Pendlay row @20X1; 5-7 x3; R2M


Row 500m @ 90%

– Rest 2:30 x 3


*Keep same pace on rows