“The Chief”
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
– 3 Power cleans (135/95)
– 6 Push-ups
– 9 Squats
Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.
Start where you left off on the previous round.
“The Chief”
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
– 3 Power cleans (135/95)
– 6 Push-ups
– 9 Squats
Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.
Start where you left off on the previous round.
You might have noticed something a little different about the top of the page…
The 300 Challenge is a workout designed to test stamina, strength, power, and heart. The workout was designed by the trainers of the actors in the movie 300 and used as a cap-off to an intense 10 week training regimen; A graduation test of sorts. The workout gets its name from the 300 total repetitions that comprise it. This workout is perfect for athletes of any level and is difficult enough to bring out your inner warrior. All athletes will take on Spartan 300 WOD. This is open to the public.
For time with a 20 min cut-off:
25 pull-ups
50 deadlifts
50 pushups
50 box jumps
50 floor wipers
50 one-arm kettlebell clean & press (25/arm)
25 pull-ups
The madness will take place on Saturday, May 12th beginning at 9am sharp! Movement standards will be demonstrated at 9 with the first heat starting at 9:20.
East Dallas CrossFit located at 2201Tucker St., Suite 106, 75214.
Only the first 30 to sign up will be allowed to compete. Please REGISTER HERE.
Deadlift 5-5-5
In 12 Minutes:
30 Box Jumps 24/20″
10 Push Press 95#/65#
20 Box Jumps
20 Push Press
10 Box Jumps
30 Push Press
With the remainder of the time complete…
AMRAP of: Burpees
*Score is number of burpees
In 45 min accumulate at an easy pace broken up in any way:
Hang Squat Snatch
2-2-2-2-2 (try to exceed what you hit last Thursday)
For time:
– 400 m run
– 15 Power snatches (115/75-95/65-65/35)
– 20 Burpees
– 15 Power snatches
– 400 m run
So “Nicole” came and went on Monday. It’s safe to say that many of you are still feeling some residual soreness from all of the pull-ups. Let’s talk about soreness for a minute. Soreness is cause by micro-trauma, or small tears, in the muscles due to constant stimulation. After this breakdown, the muscle restructures and grows larger which is also known as hypertr0phy. The muscle will grow bigger and stronger given the correct nutritional and recovery conditions. So soreness is expected on some levels. The technical term for a more delayed soreness response is Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. DOMS can start anywhere between 8-24 hours and may peak around 24-72 hours post exercise. Pain with DOMS is usually only felt when the muscle is stretched or put under pressure. If you have a muscle that is hurting while at rest, it may be due to a pull or strain and should be dealt with accordingly. DOMS is more closely associated with a more eccentric loading of the muscles. This is when the muscle is lengthened while being contracted. The onset of soreness is different for every individual and will vary depending on the type of workout and level of fitness. So how do you address soreness before and after it hits?
– Make sure to perform a more dynamic warm-up and try to stay away from static stretches.
– Focus on specific movements or joint angles that are present in the WOD when warming up.
– Cool down, stretch, foam roll, and/or trigger point post WOD paying close attention to any problem areas.
– If soreness is really bad, don’t be afraid to ice or take some anti inflammatory medication.
– Make sure to stick to a an anti inflammatory diet such as the Paleo diet and be weary of grains or sugars that will spike the insulin response.
– Drink tons of water. Drink until you feel like your teeth are floating. This will help remove toxins.
– Wear compression gear during or after the WOD for recovery to promote blood flow to sore areas.
– Low-intensity activities such as yoga, walking, or swimming can help muscles heal faster by increasing blood flow to the muscles.
Four sets of:
Good mornings x 5-7 reps – slow and controlled
Rest 20 seconds
Push-Ups x 10-25 reps @ 1010 – C2G if able
Rest 3 minutes;
5 rounds of:
– 7 burpees
– 20 double unders
– 50 m sprint (walk back)
*rest 1.5 minutes when you get back to the gym
A little look into the 3 position snatch drill performed yesterday…
Is there anything that you see that these two athletes can do differently?
FREE Saturday morning WOD @10am
South Central Regionals this weekend in San Antonio. If you haven’t checked out the workouts, they are brutal!!