5 Things That Will Improve Your Experience At The Box

Andrew squatted out of his shorts, literally.

5 things that will improve experience at the box:

1. Treat the WOD like a mirror – Everything you do outside of the gym impacts what you do inside the gym. You might be busting you butt during each WOD but if you aren’t sleeping, eating, mobilizing and managing your stress levels, you are going to feel it during class that day. How you perform during the workout should be a good indication of how you are treating everything else leading up to the workout.

2. Project confidence – This doesn’t mean cockiness by any means. When you walk into the box try smiling at people, shaking hands, and saying “hi”. People are more at ease around each other if there is communication. Another part of confidence is your mental approach. Step up to the bar knowing you are going to make a certain lift. Approach a WOD having a game plan and sticking to it. This will lead to higher confidence levels outside the gym.

3. Do your own workout – As you become more familiar with the technique of the different movements and lifts, pacing will become more important. This doesn’t mean you have to keep up with the guy next to you thats been doing this for a year already. It means to stick to your game, capitalize on your strengths, and keep to your own pace. If you are better at barbell movements than gymnastic movements, you know where you can make up ground. You might need to break up the gymnastic movements into sets of 5 or so. Stick to your break-ups though. Pick up the bar or kick up into a handstand only when you know you can get all your reps!

4. Keep your chest up – This pertains to recovery. When you bend over to catch your breath, you’re making it harder to expand your lungs, you’re letting your body and focus collapse, and you’re unable to see your gym-mates doing awesome work and/or cheering you on. Chest up + head up = better breathing + better attitude = winning.

5. Wait until everyone is done until you clean up – Nothing is worse than when you are having a tough time that day and your on your last set only to find that everyone has already put their stuff up and are packing up to go home and your equipment is the only stuff left out. If you finish early, don’t worry about your stuff. Instead, put your energy towards cheering people on or running their last 100m sprint with them.


BBQ this Saturday at 2pm. 530 Classen Dr. Bring a swimsuit and a donation tomorrow or Friday so we can by meat and drinks. I will be sending out an evite tonight or tomorrow to get an official head-count.

30 Day Paleo Challenge starts this coming monday, August 6th, email me if you want in!

7×3 banded deadlift (use 50% of your 1RM); rest 1 min


13 min AMRAP

– 3 Power cleans @ 155/105#

– 6 Push-ups (hand release)

– 9 Air Squats

– 100 m sprint


7X1 3-Stop Snatch Pull + Hi-Hang Snatch (full squat) – heavy but perfect, rest 60 sec.


4 rounds for time of:

– 9 Push Press 115/75#
– 12 V-Ups
– 15 Pullups

– followed immediately by a 400m run with a heavy object (45/25) –

One Time 4 Your Mind

~ Upcoming Events ~

ED*CF BBQ – Saturday, August 4th, at Andrew’s house. Jen and I are taking donations in order to purchase meat and a keg. Andrew has a pool and will be smoking the meat early in preparation. There is also a sign-up list at the gym for side dishes. Party starts at 2!

30 Day Paleo Challenge – Wanting to clean up your diet? Here is you chance to do it along with a bunch of others at the gym! Starting next Monday, August 6th, we will be undergoing another 30 day paleo challenge. This will include a point system with a sweet prize for the winner. I’m thinking all participants chip in 5 or 10 bucks and winner take all. More concrete rules on this later this week.

Back Squat: 1X5 @ 80%, 1X3 @ 90%, 1X2 @ 95%, 1X2 @ 100% – rest 2:00-3:00 between sets.


3 rounds for time of:

– 20 BB OH Reverse Walking Lunges 115/75# (20 total lunges)

– 15 Lateral Burpees

– 100 m run


A1. BB weighted box step-ups 10 reps X3; rest 30 seconds

A2. 20 supermans AFAP x3; rest 2 min

B. 5 rounds of:

– 400m run

– 90 second rest

*record total time not including final rest…


Bench Press



21-15-9 reps for time of:

– Box jumps (30/24)

– Pull-ups

– Weighted sit-ups (25/15)

 Compare to 3/20/2012

15 minutes to establish a 1RM Power Clean & Push Jerk.


4 rounds for total time of:

– 7 Cleans (full squat) @ 85% of above
– 14 Bar Facing Burpees
– Run 200m

*rest 1 minute between rounds