My Inner Nerd

I’m a nerd. Always have been, always will be. In high school I was more interested in reading than sports; my extracurricular “sports” were academic competitions. Believe it or not, I lettered in Whiz Quiz after competing at the state level. (Yes, I have the jacket to prove you can letter in academics.) =)


So, imagine the surprise of my friends and family when I told them I was starting Crossfit just weeks after turning 30. Reactions ran from, “What are you thinking?” to “You’re not really…ahem…athletic!” to  “Do you see what they do with those weights?!? You’ll kill yourself.” How it happened is simple really—I made my roommate skydive with me, she made me try Crossfit with her. Our first WOD was 3 rounds of 10 pushups, 15 sit ups, and 20 lunges. No big deal right?


About halfway through I wanted to die and swore at my roommate who reminded me if she was jumping out of a perfectly good plane, I could make it through some sit ups. Even though it sounds easy, it was probably the hardest thing I had done in years. When I finished, I stood up, noticed the world swimming, and got right back on the floor. Lying there, somewhere between the heaving breaths and watching the barbells swim before my eyes, I realized I had been challenged and I had succeeded. And that feeling…well, I was hooked.


I know I’m not the best athlete in our box, nor am I the fastest. Frankly, I’m usually last, but it makes me laugh to think of myself as being one step up from WOD roadkill…at least I survive! But…even when I finish last, I finish. Even if I only lift 5 pounds more than I did the last time, I get PRs. I meet the challenges that I set for myself. And for me, that’s the important part.


So why am I blogging about Crossfit and challenges? Now that we’ve officially started the Paleo Challenge, I’ve been thinking quite a bit about what constitutes a real challenge.


(Warning: I’m about to release my inner nerd.)


Webster’s defines challenge (noun) as “a stimulating task.” Personally, if you’ve ever tried to give up chocolate for a month, I’d argue it’s much more – something akin to a trial ((noun) “a test of faith, patience, and stamina through subjection to suffering and temptation.”) Now, THAT’s more like it!


Going Paleo for a month isn’t easy…but it’s not impossible. Even a trial is only a test and tests are made to be overcome. Every day we walk into the box we complete and excel at stimulating tasks that test our faith and stamina. Every day we stomp on challenges and trials. This should be no different.


As teammates and friends, we are entering a contest ((noun) “a struggle for superiority or victory”) together. In other words, entering into this contest together, together we struggle for superiority and victory. Through supporting and encouraging each other, we have great strength ((noun) “power to resist”). It might seem silly, but knowing we’re all in this together, each one of us giving our all like we do in the WODs, makes it a bit easier for me to skip that brownie in the break room.


Keeping that in mind, I challenge ((verb) to confront or defy boldly) you to give the Paleo Challenge your very best. I challenge ((verb) to invite into competition) us to kick this competition’s butt. And I encourage ((noun) to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope) you to remember this great quote by Stephen R. Covey:


“Opposition is a natural part of life. Just as we develop our physical muscles through overcoming opposition—such as lifting weights—we develop our character muscles by overcoming challenges and adversity.”

Written by Heather Nice

Burn It Down

Adam T. in Pisa, Italy.

Craving something sweet already? How about Paleo Crockpot Dessert Stuffed Apples?

Prep time: 10 mins
Cook time: 3 hours
Total time: 3 hours 10 mins
Serves: 4
  • 4 green apples, cored, bottom still in place
  • 1/2 cup Coconut Cream Concentrate or homemade coconut butter, melted
  • 1/4 cup sunbutter, unsweetened (or other nut butter)
  • 2 tablespoons cinnamon (the more the better in my world)
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • pinch of salt
  • 3-4 tablespoon unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 1 cup water
  1. First you gotta core your apples, which is a pain if you don’t have an apple corer or paring knife…like me. I use a knife and drilled out the top then used a spoon to scoop out any core, leaving behind as much apple as possible and making sure not to remove the bottom. Perfection is not needed here.
  2. Mix together your coconut butter and sunbutter along with cinnamon, nutmeg and salt.
  3. Place cored apples in your crockpot and pour water in the bottom.
  4. Use a spoon to pour in your coconut and sunbutter mixture into each apple until it’s at the top.
  5. Top each apple off with a bit more cinnamon and your shredded coconut.
  6. Cook for 2-3 hours on low. The longer you cook it, the softer the apple will become so you decide!!

Sweet Jesus that looks good..

7X2 Heaving Snatch Balance – heaviest possible, rest 45 sec.


20 minutes to complete (not for time)…

5 rounds of:

-ME Handstand Push-ups (try some kipping)
-8 Seated Shoulder Press: Heavy
-8 Good Mornings: Heavy

20 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk.


3 rounds for time of:

– 10 Jumping Lunges (5/side)

– 15 Power Cleans 95/65#

– 20 HR Pushups

– 25 Sit-ups

Right on

Our first ED*CF BBQ turned out great. Actually, great is an understatement. If was, in fact, awesome. The food was wonderful (both paleo and non-paleo), and I couldn’t ask for a better group of people to spend a Saturday afternoon with. I definitely wasn’t expecting the appreciation you guys gave me and it was heart warming to say the least. Seeing everyone come together is a true example of what our community is all about. Being around y’all day after day and seeing positive change both mentally and physically is what gets me up every morning to teach the zombie class at 5:45am. I want to thank each and every one of y’all for the gifts. They were really special. A big thanks also goes out to Andrew who grilled up some amazing meat (with the help of Bryan P.), and also Jen H. and Jill P. for getting the whole thing together. You rock! I’m pretty sure Heather and Karen had a hand in this whole thing, too. Thank you, as well. If there is anyone else that I left off, I apologize.

It is hard to believe that we are coming up on the one year anniversary of East Dallas CrossFit. Big things have happened over the past 12 months. Few people have come and gone but the majority of you guys have stuck it out with us. This was a year of growth and it went as smoothly as it could have. We look forward to moving locations soon in order to get you guys some more space, adding more classes, incorporating new and different equipment, and adding more diversity to our programs. There are big things on the horizon but I want to keep the mentality of being a small gym with a big heart. Can’t wait for what this next year has in store!


The 30 Day Paleo Challenge starts today! Check out the rules list here. Email me if you are in need of the spreadsheet to keep track of your points. There will be some awesome prizes for the winners!!


If there are any pictures from the BBQ please upload them to the Google+ event page that Bryan set up located here so everyone can see them.


Low Bar Back Squat: 1X3 @ 90%, 1X3 @ 95%, 1X1 @ 100%, 2X1 @ 105% – rest 2:00-3:00 between sets.


For time:

– 30 KB Snatches (53/35) 15 per side
– 800 m run
– 30 KB Snatches


August Challenge – overhead plate hold for time (45/25)

For time:

– 10 deadlifts (95/65)

– 20 front squats

– 30 jerks

– 100 double unders

– 30 deadlifts

– 20 front squats

– 10 jerks


15 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch Balance + 2 OHS.


3 rounds for time of:

– 7 Strict T2B

– 14 KB OH Walking Lunges (53/35)

– 21 KB Swings

– Run 400m