Be Like T-Rex

Courtesy of Mike Brannon

“I smell toast. That’s what they say when you’re having a stroke, right? You smell burnt toast?” These kinds of thoughts can’t be helped. When you’re past 35, words like “obese” have made their way into your medical records, and you’re 10 minutes into a grizzly WOD, my mind jumps to the worst. Thankfully, reason intervenes; I remember there is a fire oven, pizza restaurant next door, and think of T-Rex.

You don’t have to search far to learn how T-Rex feels about pull-ups, wall balls, kettlebells, or pushups. The king of the Cretaceous period laid low by the basic functional movement. In spite of T-Rex’s shortcomings, he keeps showing up. That’s the takeaway. That’s what you have to remember. Regardless of your abilities you have to put the effort in even when you just don’t have it.

Here’s the T-Rex and CrossFit key:

  • Show up.
  • Don’t leave money on the table and be honest enough with yourself to know when you have.
  • Forgive yourself but never excuse yourself.
  • Repeat.

It is fine to suck—be like T-Rex when you do and keep coming back. Take pride in what you do well and keep trying at the stuff you don’t. I’m reminded of what Greg at Wicked Fit Apparel shared with me, “T-Rex loves air squats.”

– Bryan P.

15 minutes Split Jerk practice (can take from rack)


for time:

– 800 m run

– 75 wallballs (20/15)

– 800 m run


partner L-sits max effort x 3

15 minutes to establish a 1RM Hi-Hang (with hip) Snatch…. DEMO VIDEO


5 rounds for total time of:

– Run 200m
– 7 Hang Power Snatches (115/65)

*Rest 1 minute after each round.

Weekend Wrap-Up

As many of you know already, we had a team from EDCF compete in this weekends Europa competition. What you don’t know is that we placed 18th out of 79 intermediate teams. Jen, Mason, Fernando, Shawn, and Elizabeth did awesome and showed a lot of heart on Saturday. I am very proud of you guys. Looks like all this squatting and olympic lifting is paying off!


ALL NEW ELEMENTS CLASS starting Monday, August 27th, at 8:30pm. The class runs for two weeks on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights (six total). Contact us here to reserve a spot. Spaces are limited.

Back Squat: 1X3 @ 90%, 1X1 @ 100%, 1X1 @ 105%, 1X1 @ 110% 1X1 @ 105% – rest 3:00 between sets.


3 rounds for total reps of:

– 2 minute AMRAP of:

– 6 Squat Cleans (135/95)
– 25 Double Unders or Abmat Sit-ups

*Rest 1 minute.

1 minute AMRAP of:


Competition Tomorrow, New Elements Class, Free Saturday Class

A team from EDCF will be competing at the CrossFit competition tomorrow at the Europa Expo. If you would like to come and support, the action starts at 9:30am at the Dallas Convention Center. There will be competitions in everything from bodybuilding to karate. Come out and support Fernando, Shawn, Jen, Mason, and Elizabeth as they compete for cash prizes.


The 30 Day Paleo Challenge is almost two weeks deep. How is everyone holding up? Keep those points high and remember to report your scores at the end of each week to Mason.


Free CrossFit class tomorrow, and every Saturday, at 10am! Bring a friend. Open to all levels.


ALL NEW ELEMENTS CLASS starting Monday, August 27th, at 8:30pm. The class runs for two weeks on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights (six total). Contact us here to reserve a spot. Spaces are limited.

15 minutes to practice or test a Tall Snatch. DEMO VIDEO


For time:

– 50 KB swings

– 200 m run

– 50 Pull-ups

– 200 m run

– 50 Jumping lunges

– 200 m run

– 50 Medball sit-ups (20/15)

– 200 m run