A1) Barbell split squat @31X1; 3×6-8; rest 30 sec

A2) Good Mornings @31X1; 3×6-8; rest 2 min

B1) Close Grip Bench Press @31X1; 3×6-8; rest 30 sec

B2) Bent Over Reverse Thumb Down DB Flys 3×12-15; rest 1-2 min

C) FLR on rings or floor; accumulate 5 min


3 sets:

– 8 TnG Deadlifts (perfect)
– Row 90 sec @ 80-90% effort
rest walk 90 sec
3 sets:
– 10 Toes 2 Bar
– Run 400 m @ 80-90% effort
rest walk 90 sec
3 sets:
– 12 American Swings unbroken (heavy)
– 90 sec DU’s @ high effort
rest walk 90 sec
Function: 115/75
Performance: 185/115
Competition: 225/155


A1) 4×2-4 Bench Press @ 42X1 – rest 30 seconds

A2) 4×2-4 Weighted Strict Chin-Up @ 31X1 – rest 2 min

B) 4 rounds for total working time

– 6 Hang Power Cleans

– 8 Lateral Burpees

– 200 m sprint

– walk/rest 3 min


Function – 95/65

Performance – 135/95

Competition – 155/105


A1) Overhead squat; 4×3-4 @ 53X1; rest 30 sec

A2) Strict toes 2 bar 4×5-10 @ 31X1; rest 2-3 min

*If can’t do strict t2b, then perform strict hanging high knee raises

B1) KB snatches 4×10 UB/arm – rest 20 sec

B2) 4×1 min accumulated in Handstand or FLR on floor – rest 20 sec

B3) 4×12 Supermans w/ 10 sec hold on final rep – rest 2 min

C) 100 flutter kicks (slow and controlled, each kick is one rep)

A) Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean (below knee); 2,2,1,1,1; rest 60-90 sec

B) Split Jerk from behind the neck

– build to a tough rep in 8 min, work on positioning and “step through” under bar

C) 4 sets:

– 10 UB push press (find a tough TnG 10 reps)
– row or AD 20 sec max effort
rest walk 2 min b/t sets
*find a tough TnG 10 reps

How To Read Our Programming

Dennis testing aerobic capacity through a 60 min row.

What does A1, A2, B1, B2, mean?  How do I follow the sets?  What does the rest portion mean?  What do some common abbreviations mean?

We will use a typical multi-movement resistance training workout that could be prescribed for class:
A1. High Bar Back Squat @ 30X0, 4-6 reps x 5 sets, rest 120 sec
A2. Chest to Bar Pull-ups, AMRAP x 5 sets, rest 120 sec
B1. KBS – 2 pd, 21 reps x 4 sets, rest 30 sec
B2. Ring Dips, 21 reps x 4 sets, rest 30 sec
In this workout you move through exercise A1 at the prescribed (rx’d) tempo, for the rx’d reps, you then rest for the rx’d amount of time (exactly) after the set is completed. Following the rest you do exercise A2 at the rx’d tempo, for the rx’d reps, you then rest for the rx’d amount of time after the set is completed. You then proceed back to A1. This alternation continues until the rx’d number of sets are completed for each exercise. For the above, this would mean 5 sets through A1/A2, with 120 seconds rest between each set.
Once you have completed the A1/A2 series, you move to B1. You start B1, 120 seconds after your last set of A2. This style of workout can go into C1/C2, D1/D2, or A1/A2/A3/A4/A5/A6. Nothing changes, you simply following the rx’d order of exercises, the rx’d tempo, the rx’d reps, the rx’d sets.
AD – AirDyne machine
FLR – Front Leaning Rest – plank position at the top of the push-up with scapula retracted, belly contracted towards spine, glutes active, and chin towards chest
COVP – Chin Over Vertical Plane – chin must travel over the bar to break the plane created by the pull-up bar that is perpendicular to the floor
CTB – Chest To Bar – chest makes contact with the bar at or below the clavicle on every rep
EMOM – Every Minute On the Minute – perform the work, and rest until the top of the next minute
TnG – Touch and Go – no pause between or during reps
S2O – Shoulder to Overhead
OHS – Overhead Squat
UB – unbroken – completed in a single set. depending on the movement, there may be pause between reps in an appropriate resting position, for example, front rack position or hanging from the bar.
BWT or BW – bodyweight
GHD – Glute-Ham Developer machine
KB – kettlebell
DB – dumbbell
AMRAP  – as many reps/rounds as possible during the specified timeframe or set.  this may be written as AMRAP (-x) for a set, indicating to go x reps short of failure for that set.
AFAP – As Fast As Possible
HSPU – Handstand Pushup, performed with feet against a wall
MU – Muscle-up on rings
DU – Double Under – jump rope passes under the feet twice with each jump
PC – Power Clean
PS – Power Snatch
PJ – Push Jerk
SJ – Split Jerk
HBBS – High Bar Back Squat – Barbell rests on top of the traps, as opposed to the Low Bar Back Squat, in which the barbell rests on the rear delts
Deficit – add additional range of motion to the movement

A1) Barbell split squat @31X1; 3×8-10; rest 30 sec

A2) 10 Box jump step downs 30/24″; rest 30 sec

A3) AMRAP pull-ups in 20 sec; rest 3-4 min


10 min AMRAP at 90%

– 200 m run

– 15 RKB swings (53/35)

– 10 No push-up burpees

A) 4×4 Perfect TnG Deadlifts – rest 2 min

– take a good warm up to first heavy set


B) 15 min AMRAP @85%

– 400 m run

– 12 KB snatches (53/35)

– 10 HR push-ups


C) Coach’s choice midline work