Join Us For The 2014 CrossFit Open

The 2014 CrossFit Open is just weeks away. What does it mean to be part of the Open? The Open is 5 workouts set over 5 weeks. You will have 5 days to complete each workout and send in your results under our Gym’s profile. The Open is for EVERYONE! Even if you have no desire to compete or are brand new to Crossfit – EVERYONE is able to participate in these weekly workouts. It’s an opportunity for you to gain an appreciation for your strengths, weaknesses and mental toughness.

The first Open workout will be released on Thursday, Feb. 27. The fifth and final Open workout will be released five weeks later on Thursday, March 27. Athletes will have from Thursday evening until Monday evening to do the workout and submit their scores.

It is recommended that only athletes comfortable with RX weights and movements sign up. There will be a chance every week for our entire community to experience each workout as it will be part of our normal programming. There will be scaling options of course! On the fence about signing up? Ask a coach to see if it is right for you.

We plan on making an event out of it on Friday evenings (this is still in the works), and might even team up with another gym. If you are not interested in officially signing up please plan on attending and supporting those athletes who are. With some loud cheering, music, and beer it’s bound to be a good time!

Please sign up HERE.


A) Hang squat clean cluster (above knee) 1.1.1 x3 rest 15 sec/2-3 min (build per set)


A) 3 position squat clean (ground/knee/high hip) cluster 1.1 x3;

rest 15 sec/2-3 min (build per set)


For time:

12 min AMRAP @ 80-90%:

– 200m run

– 5 strict chin ups

– 3 wall walks


7min 80% effort

– 25 DU

– Row 200m

– 10 RKB swings (heavy)

rest 5 mins (actively)

7mins 90% effort

– 5 SA DB power snatch 65/40#

– 5 SA DB PS 65/40#

– 5 CTB pull-ups

– 10 Sit-ups

rest 10 mins (actively)

7mins 97% pace effort

– Row 400m

– 10 burpee over erg


– work on pacing through the 7min efforts keeping them sustainable for 80-90%

– go hard on 97% pace in early stage and finish hard


A) Build to a new 1RM Power Clean in 10 min

B) TnG push jerk 5 reps; build to a max in 3 sets

C) DB bent over row 6-8/arm x3; rest 30 sec btwn arms

D) EMOM x 4-5 min; 15-20 UB wallballs (20/14)


*The goal on the wallballs is to go 5 minutes of 20 reps. If you fall below 15 reps on set 4, you can stop. All reps must be perfect and unbroken if possible.


A) HB Back Squat; 3, 3, 3; rest 2-3 min


10 min AMRAP @ 90%:

– 5 Deadlifts 155/95

– 10 HR push-ups

– 15 Box step up step downs 24/20”


– Warm up really well into your first set of 3 BS. Every set should be heavy. No tempo specified.

– Keep moving on the AMRAP. Set pace early and stick to it.

Function vs. Performance: What Do They Mean?

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Function vs. Performance

There are some days where the workout on the board is split under the terms “Function” and “Performance”. So what do these mean and how do they apply to you as an athlete (because all of us are athletes whether you like it or not)?

Function – This training group’s goal is to maximize favorable adaptations with smaller amounts of input. What does that mean? You will normally see the term “Function” as designating a scaled version of the workout. The movements or loads involved are designed to not hold you up because of lack of technique, coordination, or muscular strength. The focus is on proven training protocols that will maximize strength development, body composition and will give good exposure to a variety of movements. You apply to the function group if your training age is very low (i.e. just started CrossFit, little to no experience with sport outside of CrossFit, deconditioned, lacking in neuromuscular coordination). Function means to maintain or increase fitness as it applies to the real world.

Performance – The performance group is just as it sounds. It is for those who have a good base level of fitness, have been involved with sport recently, or have been doing CrossFit for a while now and have a solid foundation of all the movements. This group is ready to test there fitness inside and outside of class. Performance is about applying your fitness. You will need a solid understanding of proper mechanics, a greater emphasis on applied mobility, and the consistency it will take to achieve your goals. Higher level gymnastics and attention do detail when breaking down the olympic lifts are two defining parts of performance.

So, which one are you?


A) Hang squat snatch cluster (above knee) 1.1.1 x3 rest 15 sec/2-3 min


A) 3 position squat snatch (hip/mid thigh/knee) cluster 1.1 x3;

rest 15 sec/2-3 min


B) EMOM x 12

Even – 3-4 Power snatches TnG (building in weight)

Odd – 6 T2B/8 V-up/12 sit-ups

C) Coach’s choice midline stability work


A1) Close grip bench press 2-3 x4 @ 30X1; rest 30 sec

A2) Weighted pull-ups 2-3 x4; rest 1:30-2 min

B) Front rack walking lunges; 20 tough steps; 3 sets; rest 2 min

(heavier than last week)


8 min amrap @ 85-90%:

– 30 DUs

– 4 burpee box jumps 24/20″

– 5 S2OH (95/65)

– 6 DB snatches alternating (70/53, 53/35, 44/25)