Two weeks of the Open are down and we have three to go! 17.2 included a lot of #openmagic with PRs on bar muscle-ups. It’s exciting to see what this time of year can bring out in people. Five weeks is a long haul but let’s keep up our momentum heading into 17.3. I expect to see the barbell make it’s first appearance.
Programming for this week will continue to be heavy/technical on the front end of the week and lighter/more aerobic/less technical as we taper down and prepare for Friday. Make sure to join us for Friday Night Lights again at 6:30pm!
Monday 3/6
A) E2MOM x 8 min – front squat
– set 1: 5 @ 65%
– set 2: 5 @ 75%
– set 3: 3 @ 80%
– set 4: 3 @ 85%
E3MOM x 9 min – front squat
– set 5: 1-2 @ 90%
– set 7: 1 @ 95%
– set 7: 1 @ 101+% (optional)
B) EMOM x 15-21 min (5-7 sets):
Min 1 – 12/9 calorie row
Min 2 – 5-10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Min 3 – 10-15 wallballs (20/14)
Tuesday 3/7
A) E3MOM x 15 minutes (5 sets)
– power clean TnG clusters 1.1.1
*R10S between clusters – build heavier than last week
B) For time:
– 400m run
– 15 ground to overhead (185/125,155/105, 135/95, 115/75, 95/65)
– 800m run
– 15 ground to overhead
– 400m run
C) 2-3 sets for efficiency:
– 10 supinated ring rows @ 2111
– 20 banded pull-aparts
Wednesday 3/8
A) Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets of each):
Station 1 – 3-5 muscle-ups negatives (5 sec descent)
Station 2 – strict HSPU x max reps (get at least 10-12)
OR 20 nose and toes handstand hold shoulder touches
OR 3-5 wall walks – stay in hollow position
Station 3 – L-sit x 30-45 seconds accumulated
B) 20 minutes constant movement (60-70% pace):
– 250m row
– sled drag down and back
– 200m run
– farmers carry down and back (70+/50+ per hand)
– 75 single unders
Thursday 3/9
A) E3MOM x 5 sets:
– 8 DB single arm overhead press per side @ 2111
– 8 DB/KB bent over rows per side @ 2111
– 8 BB good mornings @ 2011
B) Every 6 minutes x 3 sets:
– 500m row
– 15 burpee box jump overs (24/20”)
Friday 3/10
CrossFit Open Workout 17.3
Saturday 3/11
8am Masters CF
9am CrossFit
10am 17.3 Make-Up
Sunday 3/12
8am Endurance