A) Press cluster TnG 1.1.1 R10S/3M x 3 sets (build from 70-90+%)


30 min AMRAP at 85%:

– 4 TGUP 2/arm (53/35)

– 8 box jump – SD 24/20”

– 12 RKB swings

– 24 DUs

– 400 m run



*Consistent pace on AMRAP

*Sub row dependent on weather

A) Power clean cluster TnG 2.2.2 x 4; R10S/3M

B) T2B strength work


B1) Good mornings @30X1; 6-8; rest 30sec (perfect form)

B2) 6-10 strict T2B x 3; R30S

B3) 8-10 straight arm DB lat pulls x 3; R90S


B1) Good mornings @30X1; 6-8; rest 30sec (perfect form)

B2) 6-10 hanging knee to chest x 3; R30S

B3) 8-10 straight arm DB lat pulls x 3; R90S


B1) Good mornings @30X1; 6-8; rest 30sec (perfect form)

B2) 10-15 reverse sit-ups x 3; R30S

B3) 8-10 straight arm DB lat pulls x 3; R90S


C) 20 sec AD very hard

– R3:40 x 3-4 sets


A) Back squat 1.1 x 4; R20S/3M


From 0:00 – 10:00

For time:

– 100 Wall ball shots – 20/14#, 10/9′

From 10:00 – 20:00

For time:


– Row calories

– Pushups


*There is an 8 min cap on each section.


A) 6-8 sets pause snatch; R90S building if able

– pause happens at knee cap

B) EMOM x 10 min:

E: 4-5 moderately tough power snatches TnG

O: 5 burpee box jumps 24/20″

C) EMOM x 10 min

O: 25 DU

E: 12/10 cal row

A) Power clean cluster TnG 2. 2. 2; rest 10sec/rest 3mins x 3 sets

B) Power clean and Jerk TnG (if able) into the jerk 1 rep every 20 sec for 4 min 73% of A


3 rounds increasing in effort:

– 400 m run

– 7-10 T2B

– 10 alternating DB snatches (45-75/15-40)



*goal is to decrease time each round

A) Back squat 3, 2, 1, 1, [1]; R2-3M

– go for something if feeling it


“Jackie” retest from 11/25/14

For time:

– 1K row

– 50 thrusters (45/35)

– 30 pull-ups

T2B skill/strength work


7-10 sets @ moderate effort:

– Row 250m

– 3 strict HSPU

– 200 m run

– 5 burpees

Rest 90 sec


9 Tips To Help You Get Better Sleep


As the holidays approach us and we get ready for the new year, you may be trying to think of that infamous New Year’s resolution. I want to encourage you to consider sleeping more as part of the new habits you plan to employ in 2015 and I will give you some tips on easy ways to get more sleep.

Why Sleep more?

Sleeping, like drinking more water is free and there is literally almost no risk or downside to doing it more. Sleep is crucial for a number of basic functions in the body including muscle recovery, hormone production and memory organization. It affects all facets of your daily life and even one hour of sleep deprivation can negatively affect you.

Sleep deprivation also builds up over time into something called “sleep debt”. If you have time off during the holidays plan to get some extra sleep so you feel refreshed going into the new year.

9 easy tips to achieve better sleep:

1. Enforce a strict bedtime. Set a bedtime alarm. You need to sleep at least 8 hours, 9 if you worked out that day, so make sure to pick a bedtime that allows for the proper amount of sleep. When the alarm goes off, hop in bed.

2. Unplug an hour before bedtime. DVR your shows if they are on late and read before bed instead. Turn down the lights and use candles to prepare your body for bed.

3. Use the “Do Not Disturb” feature on your phone. Set it to automatic and forget about it.

4. Take naps whenever you can.

5. If you have trouble falling asleep consider a natural sleep inducer. Magnesium and chamomile tea are common sleep aids that help calm you before bed.

6. Don’t stay out late.. If you like going out late with friends, consider setting a limit on how many times you can go out a week. Pick a night that you can sleep in afterwards or take a nap the next day. Make your body a priority over your social life.

7. Stop Drinking. Drinking generally coincides with staying up late and drinking before sleeping knocks you out, but your body does not get the same benefits as it would from sober sleep.

8. Stop taking pharmaceutical sleeping pills. Ambien knocks you unconscious but your body does not recover or function the same as it would with naturally induced sleep. See #5.

9. Consider taking ZMA. ZMA is a combination of Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin B-6 that was developed by Victor Conti (so it must be good!) and has a double blind study to back up its effectiveness. ZMA facilitates muscle recovery, increases testosterone production and helps your body achieve deeper sleep. If you need an extra reason to get invested in better sleeping habits pick up some ZMA and take it every night before bed.


Written by Ben Odeski 

EDCF Co-Owner & Endurance Coach