Hand Care 101

Rips. If you’ve ‘hung’ around the gym enough, you’re sure to come into contact with a ripped callus at least once. Rips are well known around the world of CrossFit mostly due to the amount of emphasis we put the gymnastic and barbell movements. Anything that will twist the skin of the palm and base of the fingers in a repetitive motion will cause some level of trauma to the hands.


Ever heard of the saying “you have to tear ’em down to build ’em up”? Well this is true for callus formation too. As a newbie, you might walk away from a WOD feeling some discomfort in your hand which could last for hours or even days. Initially, this is to be expected on some level. The body will respond by thickening up the skin and building layers of dead skin over the contact points on the hand. This is natural to a certain extent. It is important to know the appropriate time to take care of your mits! Once calluses start to accumulate, the goal is to keep them smooth and level with the rest of the surrounding skin. A rough and protruding callus will eventually tear around the sides or the base, thus producing another tear. A good rule of thumb is that if you can pinch the raised edge of a callus, it generally needs to be filed down. Calluses can be filed down with pumice stones, nail files, sandpaper, or cuticle scissors. Remember to lube your hands, too! All that repetitive chalk usage will leave your hands dry and an easy target for a tear. Chalk is not meant to stop tears only to reduce moisture and slipping.

Grip Technique

Calluses at the base of the fingers can start to become painful, especially if your gripping at bar at 6 in the morning! Grip technique is something to think about to instead of just mashing those puppies down and grinding out another ten toes-to-bar. A better way to grip the bar is to place it between the metacarpals and the proximal phalanges (the crease between palm and fingers). This video by Mark Ripptoe explains better grip technique.

Embedly Powered

After the Tear

If you have a tear and are lucky enough to still have a flap of skin hanging over you tear then LEAVE IT! I see so many of you guys just tear it off mid-WOD or come back the next day with it cut off and bandaged. Your old skin actually acts as a natural bandaid for the raw skin underneath. When you get home, wash the area thoroughly with soap and water. Apply some Neosporin and bandage the sucker up during the day to keep out any unwanted bacteria.

Further Prevention

Gloves and tape are two ways to prevent tears during a WOD. I know it might be a pain to take these extra measures but for some of us it might be necessary. Here is a step by step diagram on how to tape your hands. Reebok also introduced a glove to wear similar to a batting glove in baseball. Here is a complex review of the gloves. If you need to take this step.. Do it! Anything to prevent tearing.

And remember: If you feel or see a tear coming on mid-WOD then tell me immediately! It is better to switch up the movements really quick than to tear and be out or limited for 3-4 days.



300 Challenge is coming May 12th…. Everyone is encouraged to participate!



Weighted push-ups



Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups

*Record total number of pull-ups

Fitness Defined: Part 1

The 2011 Fittest Man and Woman on Earth

What is fitness? The term “fitness” is one that loosely floats through magazines such as Men’s Health and Cosmopolitan without really having a clear and concise definition. A quick search on dictionary.com yielded the the one word definition of “health” as the primary definition of fitness. Big help there. Outside magazine once crowned Mark Allen, a professional triathlete and winner of 6 Ironman triathlons, the “fittest man on earth”. Is this true? Have we really found the one person that is fitter than everyone else on the planet? No, we haven’t. Not to take anything away from Mr. Allen, because it is obvious that he was in remarkable shape to be able to pull off such a feat, but do you think he is fit in categories such as strength, power, speed and coordination? Probably not so much. I would say that a balance of these as well as the high endurance and stamina levels that he already possesses would make him even more fit.  When I think of fitness, I think of being well rounded and at least decent in every facet of healthy movement imaginable. This might sound lame but my definition fitness is kind of like the the quarterback in high school movies. You know the guy who also is dating the head cheerleader, makes straight A’s, wins homecoming king, and is captain of the chess club. Basically, fitness should be about being good at everything.

Let’s break down what I mean by everything. CrossFit has come up with a list of ten general physical skills that should be highly regarded in defining fitness. An individual who possesses competence in all of these skills is more accurately titled as fit. Here is the list:

1. Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance – The ability of body systems to gather, process, and deliver oxygen.

2. Stamina – The ability of body systems to process, deliver, store, and utilize energy.

3. Strength – The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply force.

4. Flexibility – the ability to maximize the range of motion at a given joint.

5. Power – The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply maximum force in minimum time.

6. Speed – The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.

7. Coordination – The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.

8. Agility – The ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another.

9. Balance – The ability to control the placement of the bodies center of gravity in relation to its support base.

10. Accuracy – The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.

The application of these ten skills are equally important. Being ready for anything thrown in front of you. Imagine there was one of those lottery ball machines that randomizes the balls then spits them out with different number on them. Only instead of numbers, there were a wide array of physical challenges written on them. Being able to be ready and preform adequately for the unknown and unknowable is of huge importance. This example suggests that your fitness can be measured by your capacity to perform well at these randomized physical tasks in relation to other individuals.



Sign up for the 300 Challenge happening May 12th. Let me know if you are planning on attending. The workout is scalable so NO EXCUSES!!

Deadlift 5-5-5-5


4 rounds at 100% effort:

– 5 thrusters (135/95)

– 7 burpees AFAP

– 9 KB swings (2/1.5)

– 25 double unders

– 100 sprint

Rest 2 min between rounds, record total time

*Your goal is to get through each round with an all out effort

A. Power Clean – build to tough double in 3 sets; short rest

B. For time:

– 10 Power Cleans @ 70% of 1RM

– 20 Ring Dips

– 8 Power Cleans

– 16 Ring Dips

– 6 Power Cleans

– 12 Ring Dips

– 4 Power Cleans

– 8 Ring Dips

– 2 Power Cleans

– 4 Ring Dips


In It For The Long Run

One of our owners, Ben O., and long time member, Emily H., completed the Big D Marathon over the weekend. This was Emily’s third marathon and Ben’s first ever. Their goal was to complete it in under 4 hours which they reached and with a stunning time of 3:48 and 3:45, respectively. Their training was a little unconventional as neither logged in many miles each week but substituted some of their shorter weekly runs with WODs. This goes to show how your training in here carries over into sport outside of the box, even long distance running.

That is not the biggest news of the past few days for these two, though. The CrossFit power couple got engaged last night! What a way to cap off a weekend after completing your first marathon together. Now these two will start the marathon of life together pretty soon (excuse the corniness). We wish you guys the best!


4 rounds for time of:

– 400m run

– 17 box jumps (24/20)

– 12 wallballs (20/15)


– 50 floor wipers w/ partner (135/95)


Four sets of:
– Shoulder Press x 5 reps
– Rest 90 seconds
– Toes to Bar x 10 reps (try to establish good rhythm)
– Rest 90 seconds

For time:

– 20 burpees

– 50 double unders

– 15 burpees

– 50 double unders

– 10 burpees