New Online WOD Tracking!

You talked. We listened! Now you can track your WOD results online. Having trouble remembering when we did a certain lift or workout? Now you can use the key movements in the WOD to search for it and know your time to beat before you step in the door. So please, when you get home at night or the next day, log in your WOD times by clicking ‘WOD RESULTS’ over here to the right. Knowing your progress is key!

Open WOD 12.4

AMRepsAP in 12 min of:

– 150 wallball (20 to 10’/15 to 9′)

– 90 double unders

– 30 muscle ups

Record total reps

*3 singles for every double under

*3 pull-ups and 3 ring dips for every muscle up

Feel The Heat

Embedly Powered

Tim is one of the newest additions to the masters class, and also Trevor’s father. After a total knee replacement surgery, there wasn’t much hope of exercising again. He has proven that he’s still got it and now is moving faster than ever and feeling great. Tim is described most accurately with one word: resiliency. Keep up the good work Tim!

50 TGUP not for time (as heavy as you can)

*work on stable scapulae and push through heels
400m sprint x 2 (rest 3 min)
200m sprint x2 (rest 3 min)
*record time of each sprint and try to beat your first trial

Back Squat – 5×5


For time:

– 15 squat cleans – 135#/95#

– 400 m run

– 15 power cleans – 135#/95#

– 400 m run

– 15 push jerks – 135#/95#

– 400 m run

Wicked Twisted Road

Get well soon Alan!

It’s all about the insulin.

Hyperinsulinemia – google it. Read about it. FEAR IT. It means “too much insulin”, which comes from what? Too much glucose (too many carbohydrates). A quick web search will link hyperinsulinemia to (drum roll): obesity, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, high blood pressure, auto-immune disorders, and more fun and exciting modern diseases.

The Paleo Diet has one goal above all others: controlling insulin levels.

Ideally, insulin and glucagon work in harmony in our body – insulin stores energy, glucagon releases it. We never store more than we need before our next meal (avoiding those nasty love handles!) and it is released by the glucagon promoted by low blood sugar levels between meals. Unfortunately, the FDA’s food pyramid, putting grains and dairy as a staple of a “healthy diet” is one big fat lie and throws this entire balance out-of-whack. Eating an average meal of complex carbohydrates results in, on average, anywhere from 2-10 times as much insulin production as eating fruits and vegetables. Once we have too much insulin in our system, things really get out of control.

From Paleo Science 101 by Cliff Hodges.


– Find 2RM touch and go



– KB snatch (each arm does 20, 15 and 10)

– Pullup

– Burpee