A) Every 4 minutes for quality x 16 min (4 sets):

– 12-16 alternating single arm DB presses (6-8/side)

– 12-16 alternating single arm DB bent over rows (6-8/side)

– 20 KB Russian twist


B) E2MOM x 12-16 min (6-8 sets):

90 sec to…

– Row 20/15 (scale to 15/12 if you are a bit slower on the row)

– max effort ring dips in remaining time


*scale to 15/12 if you are a bit slower on the row

A) E2MOM x 9 sets:

Sets 1-3: 3 power clean + 3 push jerk @ 55-60%

Sets 4-6: 2 power clean + 2 push jerk @ 65-70%

Sets 7-9: 1 power clean + 1 push jerk @ 75-80%


B) EMOM x 12-21 minutes (4-7 sets):

1 – 3-5 strict pull-ups + 3-5 kipping CTB pull-ups

2 – 8-10 burpee box jump overs (24/20”)

3 – 50 double unders


*Add weight to strict pull-ups if able w/ DB between legs. Scale to 5 banded pull-ups + 8-10 ring rows if necessary.

A) E2MOM x 16 minutes (8 sets):

– 3 front squats

*Start at heaviest 3 reps from last week and build if able.


B) For max reps:

– 2 minutes max RKB swing (70/53)


– 2 minutes max cal row


– 2 minutes max wallball (20/14)


– 2 minutes max cal row


– 2 minutes max RKB swing

8am Masters CrossFit

Every 3 minutes x 3 sets total

Station 1: 500m row

Station 2: 20 RKB swings (heavy) + 15 wallballs + 10 perfect push-ups

Station 3: 400m run

Station 4: 20 sit-ups + 15 ring rows + 10 burpees

Station 5: rest


9am CrossFit

Every 3 minutes x 3 sets total

Station 1: 500/400m row + 5-10 HSPU

Station 2: 20 RKB swings (heavy) + 20 wallballs (20/14) + 10 perfect push-ups

Station 3: 400m run w/ sandbag

Station 4: 50 double unders + 10 pull-ups + 10 burpees

Station 5: rest


10am Barbell/Open Gym

A) Snatch mobility and BB warm-up complex


B) 6 sets:

– 1 power snatch + 1 snatch balance + 1 overhead squat

Rest as needed, build to a heavy set


C) 8 sets:

– snatch

Sets 1-2: 2 @ 60-65%

Sets 3-4: 2 @ 70-75%

Sets 5-6: 1 @ 80-85%

Sets 7-8: 1 @ 90-95%

A) E4MOM x 16 minutes (4 sets):

– 6-8 bench press @ 20X1

– 6-8 wide grip pull-ups @ 20X1

– 6-8 wide stance good mornings @ 20X1 (taken off ground)

*BP should start at heaviest set of 8 from last week.

*Use bands on pull-ups to get at least 6 UB reps if needed.


B) 3 rounds for quality:

– 1 lap / arm farmers handle waiters walk

– 25 banded tricep pull-downs @ 1010

– 12 alternating front rack double KB box step up (heavy)

– 6-8 strict toes to bar w/ pause at bottom

All at 80-90% pace…

AMRAP in 10 min:

– 15 RKB swings (53/35)

– 15 DB anchored sit-ups

– 20 box step-ups

– 50 double unders


AMRAP in 10 min:

– 800m run

– 500m row

– 20 burpee box jump overs (24/20”)

– in remaining time: 3 supinated strict pull-ups + 3 strict handstand push-ups


AMRAP in 10 min:

– 20/15 cal row

– 10 alternating DB snatches (50/35)

– 15 wallballs (20/14 to 10/9’)

– 10 perfect push-ups


A) 4 sets for quality:

– 6-8 strict overhead press @ 2111

– R60S

– 8-10 DB bent over row/ side @ 2111

– R60S

– 6-8 DB powell raise / side @ 2111

– R60S


B) 2,000m row tester

*Know the pace you are going to try and keep. Think of it as 4 x 500m. Establish pace and breathing pattern early and hold on as long as you can!


A) 8 minutes to build to today’s max power clean

R3M, then…

B) AMRAP power clean @ 90% of A in 8 minutes

C) 400m farmer’s carry with 53/35 KBs
– Walk don’t run. This is about time under tension.

D) 3 sets for quality:
– 20 hollow rocks
– 12-15 supine medball hamstring curls
Rest as needed