The 20:40 – Day 1
5 rounds, start each movement on the minute. Complete all 10 reps in 20 seconds:
– 10 deadlift
– 10 bench press
– 10 pull-up
– 10 squat
– 10 strict press (off ground)
R3M x 5 sets

*Start at about 50% for each lift. Use a band for pull-ups if needed to remain unbroken. Partners can start on different movements but must complete in order.

Tri-Phasic: Eccentric Day 1

A) 5 sets:

– back squat x 2 @ 80-88% (w/ 6 sec eccentric phase)

– immediately followed by

  • 4 tall box jumps (step down)
  • 4 weighted jumps
  • 4 broad jumps


B) 5 sets:

– bench press x 2 @ 80-88% (w/ 6 sec eccentric phase)

– immediately followed by

  • 4 strict pull-ups
  • 4 plyo push-ups
  • 4 med ball chest tosses

*All movements should be performed as explosively as possible. Work at your own pace not taking more than 2 minutes of rest between sets.


C) 3 sets of each (complete each movement before moving to the next):

– 8 DB step-ups / side

– 8 DB bent over row / side

A) E2M x 3 sets:

– 3 x snatch @ 55-65%

(high, hang, floor)


E2M x 3 sets:

– 2 x snatch @ 70-80%

(hang, floor)


E2M x 3 sets:

– 1 x snatch 85-90+%

*Not touch and go. Reset for every rep.

*Work from the power snatch if overhead squat mobility is limited.


B) EMOM x 4-6 sets

1: 5 hang squat snatches + 5 burpees over the barbell

2: 20 double unders + 5 burpees over the barbell

3: 12/9 cal row


Snatch weight: 115/75, 95/65, or 75/55

*Should be UB and sharp.

A) AMRAP in 12 min @ 80-90%:

– 300/225 row

– 5 handstand push-ups

– 10 box jumps (24/20”)

– 15 RKB swings (53/35)


AMRAP in 12 min @ 80-90%:

– 400m run

– 9 pull-ups

– 12/9 perfect push-ups

– 15 wallballs (20/14)


*RX+ keep HSPUs strict and pull-ups CTB.


B) 3 rounds for accessory:

– heavy suitcase carry (1 lap/arm)

– 20 hollow rocks

A) E3MOM x 3 sets

– 10 strict overhead presses

– 10 bent over supinated barbell rows

*Last day for overhead presses. Go up 5lb if you completed all sets from last week.


B) 5 rounds for time:

– 5 clean & jerk @ 60-65%

– 10 burpees over the barbell

– 40 double unders


A) E3MOM x 4 sets

– 8 back squats

*Same weight for all sets. 5-10+lb increase from last week.


B) Three sets for max total reps of:

– 60 seconds of rowing for calories
Rest 60 seconds
– 60 seconds of thrusters (95/65 lbs)
Rest 60 seconds
– 60 seconds of toes to bar
Rest 2 minutes

A) E3MOM x 4 sets

– 10-8-6-4-2 deadlift (55-65-75-85-90+%)

– 6-8/side single arm DB press (pause at shoulder)

*Don’t drop your weight! If you can’t control the barbell down then it is too heavy.


B) 3 sets for quality:

– heavy double KB complex:

  • 10 deadlifts
  • 8 cleans
  • 6 front squats

– 2 laps waiters walk (1 lap/arm)

– 10-12 BB good mornings @ 20X1 (moderate weight)

– 10 V-ups + 20 hollow rocks

9 min AMRAP @ 80-90%

– 200m run

– 6 handstand push-ups / 8 DB push press

– 10 RKB swings


9 min AMRAP @ 80-90%

– 250/200m row

– 6 toes to bar

– 10 box jumps – SD


9 min AMRAP 80-90%

– 30 double-unders

– 6 pull-ups

– 10 walking lunges