In The Long Run

At the top of the CrossFit pyramid lies “sport”. Sport, in this context, pertains to anything athletic outside the walls of our gym that your CrossFit training makes you better at. Since we have some runners in our community I thought this article would be appropriate. The old-school thinking of high volume/low intensity in terms of marathon training is slowly being replaced. This is where CrossFit Endurance comes in.

Another related article on the infusion of strength and endurance training by Mark Sisson. Check out the second question.

Write at least three goals on the board! All goals should be pre-approved.

Hoodie orders are going out this Thursday! There is a sign up sheet on top of the cubbies. This is a one time deal so get them now!


The hoodie design is in! This is only a rendering, so the real deal will look a little different. We are thinking about adding some green draw strings. The hoodie itself will be american apparel like the one in the “front” view. Price is not certain but I believe it will be around $40 per hoodie. ORDERS GO OUT NEXT THURSDAY (Jan. 19th). Please put your name down on the list on top of the cubbies along with which size you would like. Don’t be left out!
Free Saturday Workout @ 9am – Ages 50+
Free Saturday Workout @ 10am – Regular CrossFit

Get Rowdy, Stay Loud

Free Saturday Workouts at 10am

11 Beginner Strength Training Tips for Women

Paleo-Friendly Tips for Carb Lovers (you guys will like #10)

17 Ways To Improve Your Sleep

Mobility vs. Flexibility: What’s The Difference?

Be thinking of a goal that can be reached in a month’s time. Something like “I want to string together 20 double unders” or “I want to increase my back squat by 10lbs”. I’m going to be asking for them at the end of the week!


Embedly Powered

After practicing muscle up progressions in class the other night, Jen H. was determined to nail a bar muscle up. Well today she did and here is proof.

If you have a goal in mind and want to reach it, please feel free to use the gym at your disposal. Let me know what you want to work on and when you want to work on it and I will try my best to help you make it happen! Having trouble thinking of something? Let’s brainstorm!

Free Saturday Workout at 10amHide yo kids! Hide yo wife! Bring friends!


First Elements Class Of 2012

EDCF is proud to announce our first Elements Class of 2012 will be starting this Wednesday (Jan. 4th) at 7:30pm.

The elements program is your gateway into the community of East Dallas CrossFit. Each program is small to give you personal attention and to build your knowledge about our basic movements and help foster skill development. At the end of the elements program you’ll know how to scale exercises to your level of fitness and will also know how to perform every workout that comes up. Once you’re done with the program, you’ll be ready to hop into regular group classes!

A new elements course starts every two weeks. This course consists of six one hour sessions designed to introduce you to the movements used in CrossFit and transition you safely into our regular classes. See our schedule for class times. Private Elements courses are also available.

Completion of an Elements course or a Skills Test is required for all members.

Call and reserve your spot ASAP!


Thrusting Into the New Year

Embedly Powered

Jason Khalipa, a former Games champion, breaks down the thruster. Pay attention to the part where he talks about how keeping the elbows up in the front squat segment translates to more hip drive. This then leads to a more powerful extension of the hips and arms.