March 2015 Gym NewsletterMarch 2015 Gym Newsletter

Posted Mar 23 2015 by Ryan Savard

March 2015 Gym Newsletter

Check it out >HERE< [...]

March 23-27 Programming OverviewMarch 23-27 Programming Overview

Posted Mar 23 2015 by Ryan Savard

March 23-27 Programming Overview

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going” – Jim Rohn ——————– Monday 3/23 A) EMOM x 8 min – 2 split jerks at 75% off rack + For time: 2,4,6,8,10,12 reps of push jerk (155/105, 135/95, 115/75, 95/65) – [...]

Programming Overview March 16-20Programming Overview March 16-20

Posted Mar 16 2015 by Ryan Savard

Programming Overview March 16-20

Events this week: No Shower Happy Hour this Thursday starting at 7pm down the street at On Rotation. Body Composition (Re)Testing this Saturday from 8-11am. Sign up for a time >HERE<. If you are retesting from last time use the code RETEST. ——————– Mo[...]

March Athlete Of The Month: Amber RobbinsMarch Athlete Of The Month: Amber Robbins

Posted Mar 10 2015 by Ryan Savard

March Athlete Of The Month: Amber Robbins

  Amber has been with us for almost 3 years making her tenure at EDCF one of the longest of all of our members. She has been a great supporter of the gym and everything we stand for. She has competed in the Open with us every year. She is at every competition, happy hour, or any other event we[...]

March 9-13 Programming OverviewMarch 9-13 Programming Overview

Posted Mar 09 2015 by Ryan Savard

March 9-13 Programming Overview

Monday 3/9 A1) Back squat 4-6 x 4 @ 31X1; R30S A2) Weighted/negative pull-up 2-3; R90S B) Build power clean to 80% 1RM quickly + 15-12-9 reps for time AFAP: – power clean (115/75, 95/65, 75/45) – burpee (full extension)   Tuesday 3/10 A) Deadlift – 3, 2, 1 – build from 70% 1RM to t[...]

March 2-6 Programming OverviewMarch 2-6 Programming Overview

Posted Mar 02 2015 by Ryan Savard

March 2-6 Programming Overview

Monday 3/2 A) Take 20 min to build up to a 1RM Deadlift B) Pull-up tester (pick one based on ability level) 50 CTB pull-ups in UB sets of 5 30 CTB pull-ups in UB sets of 3 50 pull-ups in UB sets of 5 30 pull-ups in UB sets of 3 *Can be done with bands + For time all out!! – Row 250m – 1[...]

15.1 Overview & Strategy15.1 Overview & Strategy

Posted Feb 27 2015 by Ryan Savard

15.1 Overview & Strategy

Most of you are going to take on Open workout 15.1 in today’s classes or at Friday Night Lights tonight. Make sure you tune into the video above to know the details and standards of the workout before crushing it today! 15.1 is essentially a 9 minute AMRAP of relatively lighter weight immedia[...]

Feb. 23-27 Programming OverviewFeb. 23-27 Programming Overview

Posted Feb 23 2015 by Ryan Savard

Feb. 23-27 Programming Overview

If you still haven’t signed up for the open please do so >HERE<. ——————– Programming: Monday 2/23/15 A) Deadlift 5×75%; R3M 3×85%; R3M 1+x95% B) 3 max handstand for time: R90S OR 30 or 50 HSPU for time (I&A) C) EMOM x 10 min E: 5 T[...]