June Athlete Of The Month: Reed Young

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This month’s athlete was a unanimous decision by our coaching staff. Reed came in day 1 with a smile on his face and a willingness to learn and face adversity. He is consistent, coachable, and never complains… Everything a coach can ask for. Keep up the great work Reed! We appreciate you, man.

1. When did you join EDCF?  How did you find the gym?  What was your first impression or how did that first workout go?

My fiancé Caitlin and I joined in early February. We had never tried or even thought about doing crossfit, but because the gym is so close to where we live we decided to drink the crossfit kool aide and give it a shot. We landed at EDCF because of the reviews online and all the positive things people had to say. The awesome website was an added bonus.

2. What class time do you attend the most, are there any regular members you work out with at that time?

Well, it depends if the fiancé is in town. She likes to go a 5:30 AM so I usually get up and go with her, but sometimes if she is out of town I go to the 6:30 PM class. As of late she has been out of town but I have still found myself attending the 5:30 AM class. I will chalk my internal alarm problems up to her. I usually work out with Jim, Jordan and Ben.

3. Tell us a little about yourself, What is your life like outside the gym? Where do you work, do you have kids/pets/husband/bf/partner? What is your favorite hobby outside the gym?

I am from Abilene, a small west Texas town. If you have ever worked out with me you probably know Caitlin and I both attended Texas Tech and are big Red Raider fans. We are both from small towns, so Dallas life has been an adjustment for us; but a good one nonetheless. I work at K.E. Andrews & Co. where I do tax consulting and preparation for several large oil and gas companies across the U.S, Our busiest area is Texas, obviously. Caitlin and I are getting married October 24th so we (Caitlin) is planning most of that. My opinions are included as well, but only the good ones, which are few and far between. Caitlin and I really enjoy hanging out with our friends and just exploring Dallas together.

4. What do you like about CrossFit or EDCF that keeps you coming back?

What keeps me coming back to EDCF is the people. Ryan, Ben, Drew, Trevor and Jon are so  inviting and helpful as coaches. They and the gym members are all so encouraging and have even waited on me to complete my workout just to tell me good job when I finished. I really do feel like everyone leaves their ego elsewhere when they show up at EDCF, and that’s awesome; there aren’t many places like that anymore. I’m a outgoing guy, and when I was new to the gym and people came up and introduced themselves to me after a long workout I was really impressed. So to put it simple, the people, coaches and community keep me coming back. I love it.

5. What is your favorite lift or exercise or type of workout? What is one of your short term and long term goals?

Ryan, you should know that my favorite type of workout is one with running involved – not. I would say that squats and deadlifts are my favorite workout. I think that’s because I’m pretty good at and don’t mind doing them. My short and long term goal is the same: to get back in shape after taking a hiatus during college. I would like to be healthy and physically fit for my age. If that includes weight loss that’s great, but just generally being healthy for the present and the future is my priority.