A. Power Clean – build to tough double in 3 sets; short rest

B. For time:

– 10 Power Cleans @ 70% of 1RM

– 20 Ring Dips

– 8 Power Cleans

– 16 Ring Dips

– 6 Power Cleans

– 12 Ring Dips

– 4 Power Cleans

– 8 Ring Dips

– 2 Power Cleans

– 4 Ring Dips


In It For The Long Run

One of our owners, Ben O., and long time member, Emily H., completed the Big D Marathon over the weekend. This was Emily’s third marathon and Ben’s first ever. Their goal was to complete it in under 4 hours which they reached and with a stunning time of 3:48 and 3:45, respectively. Their training was a little unconventional as neither logged in many miles each week but substituted some of their shorter weekly runs with WODs. This goes to show how your training in here carries over into sport outside of the box, even long distance running.

That is not the biggest news of the past few days for these two, though. The CrossFit power couple got engaged last night! What a way to cap off a weekend after completing your first marathon together. Now these two will start the marathon of life together pretty soon (excuse the corniness). We wish you guys the best!


4 rounds for time of:

– 400m run

– 17 box jumps (24/20)

– 12 wallballs (20/15)


– 50 floor wipers w/ partner (135/95)


Four sets of:
– Shoulder Press x 5 reps
– Rest 90 seconds
– Toes to Bar x 10 reps (try to establish good rhythm)
– Rest 90 seconds

For time:

– 20 burpees

– 50 double unders

– 15 burpees

– 50 double unders

– 10 burpees

The 300 Challenge

The 300 Challenge

EDCF is proud to announce that we will be hosting a mini-style competition on Saturday, May 12th. The 300 Challenge will be a WOD for all levels and will include beginner, intermediate, and elite (as rx’d) divisions with standard scaling options for each. 30 people will be allowed to compete and participants will not just be restricted to our box. Everyone is welcome. Before we announce it to the other gyms we would like as many of you guys (and girls) to sign up ASAP so we can get EDCF numbers there. The workout is as follows:

For time:

25 Pull-Ups
50 Deadlifts 135/95#
50 Push-Ups
50 Box Jumps 24/20″
50 Floor Wipers
50 KB Clean and Press 35/25#
25 Pull-Ups

* 20 minute cut-off

The workout will run in 3 or 4 different heats with elite, intermediate, and beginner mixed into each one. We will try to get an early start and really make an event out of it. Since this is our first one we are open to any and all suggestions! Hope everyone can attend!!

Embedly Powered


– 35 wall-balls unbroken



6 rounds for time of:

– Barbell complex (95/65)

– 100 m sprint

*compare to 10/14/11

for time:

Run 800 m
3 rds:
16 KBS – 1.5 pd/1 pd (heavier if able)
16 jumping lunges
Run 800 m

AMRAP in 13 min

– 12 box jumps

– 9 toes to bar

– 6 clean and jerks (135/95)


– 400 m sprint for time x2 rest 3 min