Stop This Train

Adam doing a recent handstand on top of “Half Dome” in California.

Still having trouble with tears on big pull-up days? Have you tried gripping the bar on the base of the fingers rather than on the top of the palm? Still not doing it for ya? Maybe gymnastic grips or gloves might be an answer. Another answer could be taping your hands. Here is how to do it the right way.

Remember!… All new 12 noon class starting next week on Tuesdays and Thursdays!

5X3 High-Hang Cleans + 1 Split Jerk – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.


12 minute AMRAP of:

– 8 Front Squats (155/105)
– 10 T2B
– 12 HR Pushups

15 minutes Handstand/Handstand Walk practice


Run 800M for time.

*The AMRAP will start exactly 8 minutes after the start of the run.

8 minute AMRAP of:

10 Behind the Neck Push Press @ 115/75# (no racks)
20 Abmat Sit-ups
30 Double-Unders

*Rest 4 minutes.

Run 800m for time.

7×2 3-stop snatch pull + high hang snatch; rest 60 sec


For time:

– Run 400m
– 21 Chest 2 Bar Pull-ups
– 42 KB Swings (53/35)
– Run 400m
– 15 C2B Pull-ups
– 30 KB Swings
– Run 400m
– 9 C2B Pull-ups
– 18 KB Swings

New Classes Next Week

Nando representing the EDCF team at the Europa competition.

IMPORTANT: Starting next week we will be adding a Noon class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This will be more of a trial period but if this time works out, we will add 1-2 more Noon classes to the week. Have any more suggestions on potential class times? Let me hear them!


BEER! Now that I have your attention, we will be heading to another local brewery to take the tour and booze the brews. Join us at Lakewood Brewery on Saturday, October 6th, any time from 12-3pm. $10 at the door gets you a souvenir glass, 4 beers, and a tour of the facility. There will be live music and a food truck. Feel free to bring lawn chairs and hang out a while!

Open Those Hips!

Today we are finding our 1RM for High Bar Back Squat. We will then use this number to jump into a new squat cycle concentrating more on the high bar position. High bar position on the back squat enables more anterior (frontal) loading which transfers better to the olympic lifts (clean & jerk, snatch). If you have tight hips, come a little early and limber up! The video shows some great hip opening stretches.


Coach Jacob and I competed this weekened in Fort Worth at the Texas Barbell Massacre put on by Life AsRx. For those interested, scores for each event can be found here as well as overall placing. Overall, it was a great competition and we had a blast!


All new Elements Program starting tonight.  Want to get started at EDCF? This is the first step! Call or email to sign up today. We have one spot left!


15 min to find your High Bar Back Squat 1RM (oh yes, we are starting a new cycle)


For time:

– 5 Clean & Jerks (185/120)

-10 Lateral Burpees

– 4 Clean & Jerks

– 8 Lateral Burpees

– 3 Clean & Jerks

– 6 Lateral Burpees

– 2 Clean & Jerks

– 4 Lateral Burpees

– 1 Clean & Jerk

– 2 Lateral Burpees


The Abmat Monkey Butt

It’s super humid in the gym one day and you walk in to see a WOD with an abnormally high amount of abmat sit-ups. Everyone’s first thought is “Abmat sit-ups?! F**k yeah!” You are all set and ready to cruise through these bad boys. After you finish owning the WOD sitting or laying in a pool of your own sweat, you retreat home to shower. While moving your bum under the water you start to feel a burning sensation right above your butt. “What the hell?” you might ask yourself. Yeah…. you’ve got the Abmat butt rash. So how do you avoid this next time around? Here are a couple of things to consider:

  1. Wear compressions shorts under your shorts to wick away extra moisture.
  2. Do your sit-ups with a yoga mat under your Abmat so that your butt isn’t rubbing against the rough rubber flooring.
  3. Avoid the tendency to wiggle and squirm as you try to speed through them. Slow down a little and make sure your not rubbin’ as you’re rockin’.
  4. Use some Monkey Butt or other friction reducing powder on your glory spot pre-WOD.