East Dallas CrossFit Takes On The 2013 CrossFit Open!

John received our care package in Afghanistan!

The 2013 CrossFit Open starts tonight with the first WOD being posted at 7:00pm! We have nine athletes competing each week for five consecutive weeks. EDCF is partnering up with two other local gyms to host a couple Open workouts on Saturday afternoons. Let’s have a strong showing of supporters for our athletes as well as our guest athletes!

Here is the schedule of the open WODs:

WOD 1 Saturday March 9th @ 12:15pm            CF White Rock

WOD 2 Saturday March 16th @ 12:15pm          East Dallas CF

WOD 3 Saturday March 23rd @ 12:15pm          CF White Rock

WOD 4  Saturday March 30 @ 12:15pm            CF Tigers Den

WOD 5 Saturday April 6th @ 12:15pm               East Dallas CF


Congrats goes out to Ian and Josh for nailing their first muscle-ups last night!!


Skill: Toes 2 Bar

If you can connect them fluidly then do 4xME sets resting 60 seconds between each. If you are still struggling with technique then use this time to work on connecting reps or moving up in your progressions. 


5 rounds for total time of:

Row 200m
-rest 1 minute
Run 200m
-rest 1 minute


March Challenge: max effort perfect strung together wallballs

Muscle up practice for 8 minutes


2 or 1 Muscle up EMOM for 6 minutes


5 rounds for total HSPU of:

2 minutes to complete-

– 20 KBS (53/35)
– 12 Lateral Box Jumps (20/16)

*Rest 1 minute.

2 Days Until The Open!


East Dallas CrossFit is ready for the Open! The first WOD of the 2013 CrossFit Open will be announced this Wednesday at 7pm! Every week for the next five weeks, all nine of our athletes who have signed up for the Open will be competing every Saturday. Didn’t sign up for the Open this year? That’s okay. We will be doing each workout every Friday during normal classes.


Dr. Nick will be be at the gym tonight from 6-8pm. If you would like to see him, please let me know ASAP. He still has 6:00, 7:00, and 7:20pm time slots open.

Front Squat

1X5 @ 80%, 1X3 @ 85%, 1X2 @ 90%, 2X1 @ 95% – rest 2-3 minutes.

or if you didn’t complete last Monday’s then..

1X5 @ 70%, 1X5 @ 75%, 1X3 @ 80%, 1X3 @ 85%, 2X2 @ 90% – rest 1-2 minutes.


5 rounds for total reps of:

1 min. to complete 5 Power Cleans @ 155/105 for advanced, 135/95 for intermediate, 95/65 for beginner
-with the remainder of the minute complete ME Split Jerks

1 min. ME Burpees

Ladies Night at Mi Cocina

Ladies night turned out great! A big thanks goes to Jill P. for putting it together.

Fran Jam 

Our first edition of Fran Jam kicks off tomorrow, Saturday, at 10am in place of the regular free class. You will be divided into heats of 6 or 8 people and there will be a 10 minute time cap for each heat. Come cheer on your fellow athletes as we tackle 21, 15, and 9 reps of thrusters and pull-ups for time!

Weekend Schedule


8:00 Olympic lifting

9:00 Masters

10:00 Fran Jam (no free class)


11:00 Endurance (held at the Woodrow Wilson High School track)


Good mornings



For time:

– 800 m run

– 40 box jumps (24/20)

– 80 abmat sit-ups

– 40 box jumps

– 800 m run