
A) 7×1 Hang Snatch – rest 60 seconds

– Stay lighter , focus on proper positioning of second pull, weight distribution, and bar path

B1) 3×8 Renegade Rows AHAP (pull, pull, push) – rest 60 seconds

B2) 5×3 Front Squats – rest 60 seconds

C) 4×10 +10 second hold of Supermans



A) 7×1 2 Position Snatch – rest 60 seconds

– First one starts 2″ above floor. Second starts right above knee.

B1) 5×3 Snatch First Pull – rest 60 seconds

– Pause for 3 seconds at pockets.

B2) 5×3 Pause Front Squats – rest 60 seconds

– Pause 3 seconds at absolute bottom, bounce and explode up.

C) 4×10 +10 second hold of Supermans