Every 30 seconds for 5:00 minutes (22 total reps):

– 2 Banded Deadlifts @ 60% + Band – DEMO VIDEO


1) With a 10 minute clock…

5 minute AMRAP of:

KB Snatches 24/16kg

-then (no rest)-

100 Double-Unders

*Rest the remainder of the 10 minutes.

2) With a 5 minute clock…

2:30 minute AMRAP of:

KB Snatches 24/16kg

-then (no rest)-

75 Double-Unders

A1) Bench Press – 3×10 AHAP for all sets – rest 20 sec

A2) Bent Over DB/KB Kroc Rows 3×10/side – rest 90 sec

B) 2,000 m row time trial

A.) Build to a heavy single power snatch (just shallow of a full snatch)

B.) EMOM for 12 min

– Odd: 2 x power snatches @ 80% of above

– Even: 8-10 T2B

C1) 3 x 10 floor glute ham raise – rest 60 sec.

C2) 3 x 15-20 slow and controlled abmat sit-ups – rest 60 sec.

7×1 Power Clean + 1 High-Hang Squat Clean + 1 Jerk – rest 60-90 sec.


For time:

– 15 Wall Balls (20/15)
– 30 Pull-ups
– 15 Wall Balls
– 30 Box Jumps (24/20″)
– 15 Wall Balls
– 30 Ring Dips
– 15 Wall Balls
– 30 Kettlebell Swings (Heavy)
– 15 Wall Balls


Weekend Warrior


This past weekend, longtime member Fernando Arzola and teammates finished 1st in the 70.3 Ironman New Orleans. While not typically and endurance centered athlete, Nando has put in extra work in the pool and on the pavement over the past few months. The was his first team-style Ironman event and it will be a memorable one for him as he takes a gold medal back to Dallas. He is proof that we just don’t work out inside EDCF, we train for whatever may come at us outside EDCF.

A) 1X20 High Bar Back Squat

*Note: This should be a maximal set. The recommendation is to use approximately 70% of 1RM for this first week. Make sure to hit absolute depth with every rep.

B) For time:

– 30 Burpees
– 50 Double-Unders
– 20 Burpees
– 50 Double-Unders
– 10 Burpees
– 50 Double-Unders
– Row 1K

C) Coaches choice midline work



Power Clean + Push Jerk: 3X1 @ 70%, 3X1 @ 75%, 2X1 @ 80% – rest 60 sec.


4 rounds for total time of:

– 12/9 HSPU
– Run 400m

Rest 2 min

*Notes: Strict 20 min time cap.


A1) Deadlift at 90% of 1 RM: 5@75%, 3 @85%, 1+@95%; rest 20 seconds

A2) ME Rind Dips; rest 2 min

B) 3 rounds for reps (1 min per station):

– Tire flip jump throughs

– Overhead lunges (45/25)

– KB swings (53/35)

– 1 min rest

C) ME DB grip carry x 2; rest as needed