Shave Off Party


Mark your calendars! This Friday, 11/1, come hang out at EDCF for our second annual ‘Shave Off Party‘ in honor of the start of Movember. Movember is a month of spreading awareness about prostate and testicular awareness. It is also the month that we put on our biggest event, Barbells & Handlebars (11/30).

How do we spread awareness? By growing moustaches over the entire month of November (hence the name Movember), of course. At 7:30pm this Friday, we will be shaving our upper lips to see who can grow the best (or worst) ‘stache by the start of Barbells & Handlebars. There will be prizes up for grabs at the end of the month. So bring your razors and shaving cream of choice and join in on the fun.

Don’t feel left out ladies. You are definitely encouraged to come and hangout, too! Come hold a mirror for one of the guys shaving and enjoy an adult beverage along with your awesome EDCF community!


A) Power snatch TnG cluster; 5.5.5 x 3; rest 20 sec/2-3 min

B1) Snatch grip first pull @ 105+%; 4-5×3; rest 90 sec

B2) Seated arnold press @20X1; 6-8×3; rest 90sec x3 (heavier than last week)


All out 100% effort:

– 400m run

– 40 KB swings (70/53)

This is a re-test.


*snatch grip first pulls should end at knee. keep butt down and back angle the same from the floor to the knee. raise with the chest and load hamstrings


A. HPC x 1/FS x 5 – work to a tough 5 in the FS in 10 min

B. AMRAP unbroken wall balls (-5); rest 90 sec x 3


For time:

5,4,3,2,1 reps of:

– Hang power cleans, heavy (185/115, 135/95, 95/65)

10,8,6,4,2 reps of

– Ring dips/box dips


*Substitute box dips for ring dips if unable to do them


10 min @ 80%:

– 25 m burpee broad jumps (no push up)

– 10 heavy RKB swings

– 10 sit-ups

(rest walk 6 min)


10 min @ 80%:

– row 250 m

– 12/10 push ups HR

– 25 double unders

(rest walk 6 min)


10 min @ 80%:

– 3 wall walks

– 3 TGU/arm – 53/35

– run 200 m


A) HBBS 3-4×4 @ 31×1; rest 2 min (heavier than last week)


Row sprints;

20sec @ 95%

rest 90 seconds



Run sprints

200m @ 100%

rest 5 min while walking back



*run hard to 400m turn around and walk back

*record meters on rows

A) Power clean cluster 2.2.2×3; rest 10 sec/3 min (Heavier than 10/8)

B1) Pendlay row @20X1; 6-8; rest 90sec

B2) Seated arnold press @20X1; 8-10; rest 90sec x3

C) AMRAP set of MU/CTB pull-ups/pull-ups/4-6 negative pull-ups; rest 2-3mins x 3


Speciality Classes

ECDF is proud to offer a variety of specialty classes outside of our regular class schedule. These are free to members so take advantage!

  • Olympic Lifting – The goal of this class is to teach others the technical proficiency of the olympic lifts, focusing on the snatch and clean & jerk. Feel like this is one of your weaknesses or think you need some extra help? Then this class is for you whether you are fresh from the CF Prep Course or a seasoned EDCF veteran. These classes are offered Saturday mornings at 8:00AM. 

East Dallas CrossFit - Barbells and Handlebars (180)

  • Endurance – LIke Olympic Lifting, our Endurance class is meant to supplement and enhance your experience in the regular classes at EDCF or be applied to training for an outside endurance event. Would you like to train for a 5K, 10K, 1/2 or full marathon? Have a triathlon in sight? Or would you just like to work on your cardiovascular endurance? Come join Coach Ben on Sundays at 11am (new time!) for a variety of stamina and endurance drills to help you reach your goals.


A) 5x 2 push jerk + 1 split jerk off rack – rest 2 min



15-12-9 reps for time:

– Thruster (115/75, 95/65, 75/45)

– Burpee box jump (24/20)


Optional coach finisher


*stay on heals during dip and drive on jerks, ensure completely vertical bar path overhead

*build to a tough weight but keep foot position spot on during split jerks

*thrusters designed to be slightly heavier than Fran weight