4 rounds at 80-90%:

– 400 m run

– 10 deadlifts (225/155)

– 10 CTB pull-ups/pull-ups

– 10 lateral burpees over bar

– 20 sit-ups

*rest 3-4 min

*switch order up every round, record all times

*deadlifts should be perfect or weight should be shed immediately


A) Front Squat 3-4×3 @ 30X1; rest 2 min (heavier than 12/13)


For time:

– 1,000m row

Rest 1 min

3 rounds of:

– 12 front rack weighted reverse lunges (135/95, 115/75, 95/55)

– 12 KB snatches (heavy)

– 12 box jump step downs (24/20)

Rest 1 min

– 1,000m row


*try and match row times

*pick steady pace to grind through this one

*frontward and/or unweighted lunges are ok if reverse are unattainable

*snatches can be broken up however if needed, 12 total per round

A) Clean pulls 1.1.1×3 rest 10 sec/2 min

B) Power clean cluster TnG 2.2.2×3 rest 15 sec/2-3min

C) EMOM x 10 min

– Odd: 5 TnG clean and jerk (135/95, 115/75, 95/55)

– Even: 30 double unders or 30 lateral hops over bar

D) Optional coach finisher if time permits


Holiday Hours


Please take note of our schedule as we finish out 2013!

Christmas & New Year’s hours:

12/24 – 10am only
12/25 – closed
12/26 – 10am only
12/27 – regular schedule
12/31 – regular schedule with no 6:30 or 7:30pm classes
1/1     – 11am only
1/2     – regular schedule

*All new group Prep Course starts on Monday, January 6th. Need a gift idea for the holiday? Reserve a spot for friends or family and you will recieve $30 off the normal prep course price (members only)!

A) Clean pulls 1.1.1 x3 rest 10 sec/2 min

B) Every 90 seconds perform 1 power clean + 1 hang squat clean + 1 jerk; 6 sets

C) Front Squat 4-5×3 @ 30X1; rest 90 sec (heavier than 12/2)


500m row all out 100%

– rest 90 sec on rower

500m row all out 100%


– Clean pulls should be over 1RM clean

– Warm up to the clean complex well, should start heavyish and add weight each set if able

– Raise heals on FS if mobility issues in hips or ankles, upright torso is goal

– Compare 500m row times.


A) Muscle up skill work

– 3×8 turnovers

– 3×5 jumping MUs

– Max rep MU in 2-3 attempts

B) Single legged deadlift; 6-8 reps x 3; rest 30 sec btwn sides/90 after both

C) EMOM for 12 min

Odd – 12 KB snatches UB

Even – 10 tall box step ups


A) Build to a 1RM strict press in 8 min


80-90% effort

– 10 DB thrusters

– 15 ring rows

– 20 sit-ups

– 20 cal row

rest 3mins



3 sets 80-90% effort


3 sets

– 10 thrusters 135/85, 115/65

– 10-15 pull ups

– 20 sit-ups

– 20 cal row

rest 3mins


*Thrusters should be tough but UB at least for first 2 sets.

*Get at least 10 pull-ups in. If you can do more UB then try and get to 15.

*Repeat times for each round as close as possible


4 Ways To Help Keep Your New Year’s Resolution


4 Ways To Help Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

1. Be Goal Specific – You might be thinking “I want to lose weight” or “I want to get stronger”. Great! How much weight do you want to lose? How much stronger do you want to get? Making your goals quantifiable gives you a way to check your progress. Weekly weigh-ins or setting up a strength cycle outside of class (with the help of a coach) are ways to track progress by the numbers. Start thinking more along the lines of “I would like to lose 10lb. in 2 months” or “I would like to add 15lb. to my back squat and 10lb. to my clean”. This way sounds much more realistic and attainable.

2. Keep Track Of Progress – Before you get started, map everything out week by week. Write out diet plans, make grocery lists, keep charts, and track you strength gains online. By seeing how far you have come, you will stay determined and positive throughout the rest of your journey.

3. Prioritize – Make time for your goal(s). If you need to skip a couple of your evening shows to get in another workout or prepare food for the week, then so be it. If you need to block off your schedule ahead of time to get something done, then do it. Being healthy and happy should be a priority in your life.

4. Get Some Help – Having a partner is great. This is someone who will make you feel accountable if you misstep on the way to your goal. If you are not easily self motivated, find someone who is. They will rub off on you and you will try hard to not disappoint them. The more your goals match up with those of your partner, the better.

The new year is just around the corner. Try putting some of these into action as you plan your own resolutions!