A) Front squats with a pause 3 reps x 4; rest 2-3 min

– pause 3 seconds at very bottom on first rep, second two are regular speed


3 sets @ 80-90%

– 500 m row

– 10 thrusters (95/65)

– 10 OTB burpees

– 10 box jump SD (24/20”)

rest 4-5 min


*elevate heals on squats to open hips/elevate torso

*change up order each round and record times

*keep times the same


New Year, New CrossFit Prep Course, New You


2014 has officially begun. How are you going to be different this year? How are you going to make a big positive change? A year from now you’ll wish you joined today!

Become part of the best CrossFit community in Dallas by signing up for our first CrossFit Prep Course of 2014! The Prep Course is your gateway into the community of East Dallas CrossFit. Each Prep Course is small in design to give you the personal attention necessary to foster the the development of the skills needed to join into our regular CrossFit classes.

The Prep Course consists of eight separate one hour sessions over three weeks. Classes are from 8:30-9:30pm. The schedule is as follows:

  • Monday 1/6
  • Wednesday 1/8
  • Thursday 1/9
  • Monday 1/13
  • Wednesday 1/15
  • Thursday 1/16
  • Monday 1/20
  • Wednesday 1/22

—–>Sign up by clicking HERE<—–

Have a scheduling issue with the course? Contact us HERE to discuss the private Prep Course option.

A new Prep Course starts every four weeks. Space is limited.

Thursday 1-2-14

A1) DB bench press @30X1; 8-10 x3; rest 90 sec

A2) DB bent over row @20X1; 6-8/arm x3; rest 30sec btw arms/90 sec after both



3 rounds AFAP:

– 400m run

– 21 KB swings (53/35)

– 12 pull-ups


5 min AMRAP @ 80-90%:

– 10 burpees

– 30 DU or 90 singles

REST 5 min

5 min AMRAP @ 80-90%:

– 5 broad jumps (moderate)

– 7 KBS (53/35)

– 5 box jumps sd (24/20”)

– 7 T2B or T2B progressions

REST 5 min

5 min AMRAP @ 80-90%:

– Row 250

– 10 sit-ups

– 10 DB push press (TnG moderate)

REST 5 min

5 min AMRAP @ 80-90%:

– AD for cal


Repeated Programming, Increased Results

You might notice from week to week that the strength, skill, or conditioning work might look similar on some days. This is not by chance or lack of creativity. Our program is meant for our athletes to adapt yo just enough to see progressive and linear changes and increases in strength, skill, and conditioning.


Right now we are in the midst of microcycles of front squats, close grip bench press, power cleans, and power snatches. This means that you will see most of these each week. For example, two weeks ago we did a power clean cluster of 2.2.2 x3 sets while last week we progressed up to 1.1.1 x3 sets to increase load. Also we have moved from doing 4-6 reps of front squats at 30X1 for 3 sets to doing 4 sets the next week to increase volume. Progressions in both load and then volume are the two most important factors in increasing overall strength and power.

We also apply this to conditioning through interval work. This is less about specific movements and more about changes in energy system works. Look at todays piece. Three rounds of a 400m row, 20 UB wallballs, and 20/16 HR push-ups with a 3 minute rest performed at 80-90% of aerobic capacity. This is taking people around 3-4 minutes per round. to complete. Next week you might see a piece that is similar in structure with differing movements. For example, 3 sets of a 400m run, 10 pull-ups, 12 KB snatches, 14 box jumps with a step down with a 3-4 minute rest at the same aerobic capacity. This will take people around 4-6 minutes to complete (most likely). The movements are different but there is the same affect on the aerobic endurance energy system. We are stressing the system around 2 minutes more with the same amount of rest. This is where progress is made.

A) EMOM x 7min

– 2-3 TnG power snatch

B) 3 sets @ 90%

– 400m row

– 20 wall balls

– 20/16 HR pushups

rest 3 min


*start light and build to a moderately heavy weight on power snatch

*20 for guys and 16 for gals

*WB should be at a weight where they are UB


Monday 12-23-13

3 sets @90% aer:

– amrap strict chin ups

– row 400m

rest 2 min


3 sets @90% aer:

– 10 thrusters (moderate weight)

– row 400m

rest 2 min


*If can’t do strict, use band that allows 7-10 strict pull-up reps on first set

*Goal should be PR for strict pull-ups.

*Moderate does not mean easy on thrusters. They should be tough but fast and UB.


Friday 12-19-13

A) Hang squat snatch

– Build to a tough double in 6-7 sets

B) Heaving snatch balance; 3×4 sets; rest 2 min


Row sprint 25sec all out

rest 3:00 x 3


Airdyne 20 sec all out

rest 3:00 x 3


*all out means balls to the wall 100%

*if snatch balance unattainable based on flexibility restrictions work on overhead squat with raised heels