When a potential new member comes to us from a heavy endurance background, I find myself holding my breath to see if they will be open and humble enough to accept a new training methodology. Mike came in as an amateur triathlete that was just looking for something a bit more well rounded. The guy has a serious aerobic base but was lacking in other areas that we also see with most endurance athletes. Fast forward almost 2 years and mike has made major strides with strength, power, and flexibility all while still finding time to catch a weekly run or two with his old running buddies.
I’d also like to mention Mike’s attitude. He is one of the most genuine and sincere people I’ve ever met. If you’re new to the gym and he is there, chances are you’re going to meet him first thing. He always keeps the vibe positive and is a joy to be around as a coach. Thank you Mike for contributing more than you know to our community!
Check out what Mike had to say about his experience at EDCF…
When did you join EDCF? How did you find the gym? What was your first impression or how did that first workout go?
Feb 2015. I have been around a few athletic communities in my lifetime. This gym had a positive attitude when I began.
What class time do you attend the most, are there any regular members you work out with at that time?
5:30 pm. It’s difficult to mention names without potentially leaving someone out. There are many members I respect and appreciate.
Tell us a little about yourself, What is your life like outside the gym? Where do you work, do you have kids/pets/spouse/partner? What is your favorite hobby outside the gym?
I work at La Bare in the evenings. So crossfit has helped me maintain an edge on the young bucks. Those kids are always taking my clients. Just kidding!
I have enjoyed an active lifestyle. I have crossed the finish line in a number of triathlons. Qualified for the World Championships in the 70.3 distance. Completed 2 Full Ironman races. Competed and won many Bike races. I have raced cyclocross, criterium, circuit and road. I have ran long distance races and shorter ones. I have run road and trail events. Cycling was definitely my strength. I also coached endurance sports for a few years.
Today I am a single dad and no longer compete. I do maintain a run foundation outside of the gym. Rather humbling! Nowadays I get dropped more than I drop runners.
It is my turn to be there for someone else besides myself. Racing is a selfish act. The only thing you think about is racing. How to optimize today’s workout so that you can execute tomorrows appropriately all the while attempting to balance between acute and chronic levels of fatigue. The only thing you think about in between workouts is eating sleeping and data evaluation. I think I am rambling. My son is my life outside of the gym.
What do you like about CrossFit or EDCF that keeps you coming back?
The EDCF community is great. The gym helps me maintain my new fitness goals:Staying Active. I can come to class for an hour and leave everything at the gym. If I miss a day or 2, I no longer worry about it. I always have time for push ups and ab work. And the occasion air squats.
This gym has provided me with a new start on fitness. I don’t have to worry about not being the strongest person. This is one of the reason I chose CrossFit. I will never be one the strongest members. I just wanted to be one of the guys and not concern myself with always competing. I enjoy the competition in the gym and encourage it. But I also respect everyone’s goal in the gym. We all have different reason for attending class. But we all know we will be encouraged at some point to accomplish our goal. During class my immediate goal is to finish the WOD without passing out or throwing up especially in the heat of the summer.
What is your favorite lift or exercise or type of workout? What is one of your short term and long term goals?
No Surprise here! Any WOD that involves 800ms or more. But I enjoy the 400’s also. Staying active are my immediate goals. I do hope to compete again in the distant future. My athletic goals have changed to meet today’s expectations of life’s challenges. I always wanted to compete in Kona but life comes first. Now if I never make it to Kona I will have realized that life had other more important goals in store. It doesn’t mean I stop setting goals or set my goals lower. I just need to realize what is most important and then build my goals around them.
Thanks EDCF for allowing me to be the athlete I want to become.