Monday 9/3 (Labor Day) – Please join us as we remember one of our fallen soldiers and take on a Hero WOD at 9am. This will be the only class of the day.
Barbell – Our EDCF Barbell class is coming to a close after this week after 8 weeks of dedicated hard work to progressing the snatch and clean and jerk. Our Barbell athletes will showcase their progress in a mock meet in the near future. Details TBA.
Handstand Course – We are now in week 2 of 8 with our handstand drills under Coach Cash. Please be sure to do your homework and mark your progress on the back whiteboard every week! See you all this Saturday at 10am.
Monday 8/27
A) E3M x 3 sets:
– TnG power clean cluster 3.3.3
R10S between cluster. Build each set.
B) Every 4 minutes x 3-5 sets @ 90%:
– 400m run
– 5 deadlifts
– 5 hang power cleans
– 5 shoulder to overhead
*Goal is to cycle barbell movements UB and efficiently while keeping run pace high.
RX+: 155/105
RX: 135/95
Scaled: 115/75, 95/65, 75/55
Tuesday 8/28
Front squat testing
A) EMOM x 5 seats
– 2-3 front squats @ 65-75%
E2MOM x 5 sets
– 1 front squat @ 80-100+%
*If you need it, take a set off before making an attempt.
*If you’re not feeling it then just try for 95% and call it a day.
B) 5 rounds for time:
– 32 double unders
– 16 wallballs (20/14 to 10/9’)
– 8 pull-ups
C) 2-3 sets for quality:
– 20 alternating banded psoas marches from hollow
– 15 banded hip extensions w/ pause
– 10 banded pull aparts
Wednesday 8/29
– 500/400m row
– 400m run
- 8 push ups
- 30 single unders
– 500/400m row
– 400m run
– 500/400m row
- 8 DB clean and jerk (4/side @ 55/35ish)
- 8 sit-ups
Thursday 8/30
A) Every 3 minutes x 4 sets:
– 10 seated DB/KB overhead presses @ 2110 tempo
– 8 strict supinated pull-ups
– 6/side wide stance banded twist @ 2110 tempo
B) 2,000m row tester
*Goal is to keep the pace you did for last week’s 1000m repeats.
C) 3 sets for quality:
– 10/side DB thinker curls
– 10/side DB tricep kickbacks
Friday 8/31
A) E2M x 8 sets:
– 1 deadlifts @ 90-95%
*Deadlifts should be around 90-95 ish%. Focus on your set up and tension for each rep.
B) 3 sets for quality:
– 20 alt. front rack reverse lunges (all at heaviest weight from last week)
– 6/side TGUP sit-ups
– 10/side DB bent over rows
– 30-60 sec ring or floor FLR
Saturday 9/1
8am Masters / Barbell
9am CrossFit / Bring A Friend Day
10am Intro To CrossFit / Open Gym
Sunday 9/2
8am Endurance
10-12 Open Gym
F Barbell class is coming to a close this week after 8 weeks of work. These athletes will be showcasing their progress with a mock meet. Details TBA!
Handstand Course – We are now in our second week of our Handstand Course with Coach Cash. Make sure to do your homework and note your progress on the back whiteboard!