15.1 Overview & Strategy

Most of you are going to take on Open workout 15.1 in today’s classes or at Friday Night Lights tonight. Make sure you tune into the video above to know the details and standards of the workout before crushing it today!

15.1 is essentially a 9 minute AMRAP of relatively lighter weight immediately followed by a 6 minute period of testing your max clean & jerk. You should note that you are most likely not going to build up to your absolute max on the clean & jerk since you will be under the constraints of fatigue and grip strength limitations. Now that you know what’s up, let’s dive into the workout a bit!

A few tips to help you out on 15.1 from Coach Ryan:

1. Warm-up: Think about what muscles/joints are being effected. We need to warm up the hips and get some mobility in the shoulders and upper thoracic spine. We also need to warm-up the front rack a bit. Most importantly is the muscles involved with hip extension (posterior chain) and hip flexion (anterior chain) as these are taxed in the 9 minute segment. KB swings, banded good mornings, sit-ups are just a few examples of movements to get those muscles firing. Quickly build to about 85% of your 1RM clean & jerk and practice efficient turnover of a few deadlifts and snatches.

2. Splitting and Pacing: The first part goes as follows… 15 toes to bar, 10 deadlifts (115/75), and 5 snatches. Or open, close, close in terms of how the body is moving. 15 T2B is a lot! I would break it up from the get go to save your hips from fatiguing too quick. We all know that once T2B is gone it’s gone. So you’re looking at like a 6, 5, 4 rep scheme every round to get 15. You should minimize the rest and build it into an overall pace. Keep moving! Just like I always preach in class. Just find the right rate at which you can.

3. Save the Grip: Each one of these three movements is dependent on grip. You know the max clean & jerk is up next and you need all the grip strength you can to control heavy weight while tired. Try not to squeeze the bar more than you have too. Be cognoscente of it even under fatigue. Try to keep a hook grip on the deadlifts and snatches. Breaking the snatches into quick singles will help save the grip, too. They have to be quick singles though!

4. The Clean & Jerk: You only have 6 minutes to complete this. Start closer to 65-70% of your 1RM or tough single. You really only have enough time for 3-4 good lifts before time or energy gives out so you need to make every attempt count. Don’t waste time on lifts you could hit all day long.

5. The Big Picture: Know that one workout follows the next. You don’t want to be completely spent from the first part before starting into the second part but you also don’t want to sandbag the AMRAP. Know your body!


A) Work into 80-90% of your max Clean & Jerk

B) 15.1 movement prep (t2b, deadlift, snatch)


Workout 15.1 Variations

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
15 toes-to-bars
10 deadlifts (115 / 75 lb.)
5 snatches (115 / 75 lb.)

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
15 hanging knee raises
10 deadlifts (85 / 55 lb.)
5 snatches* (85 / 55 lb.)
*ground-to-overhead allowed

Workout 15.1a
(All Divisions)
1-rep-max clean and jerk
6-minute time cap

*Workout 15.1 and 15.1a are back to back. There will be a 15 minute running clock. The first 9 min are 15.1 while the following 6 min are 15.1a. There is no break between the two.


Open athletes: 10 min AD or row easy + mobility work

Everyone else:
A1) Weighted/negative pull ups 3,3,3,3; R30S
A2) Good mornings 6-8×4 @ 20X1 (moderate load); R2-3M
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time:
– KB swings (heavy)
– box step-ups (24/20”)

3-4 sets tough effort:
– 5 TnG Squat Cleans (135/95, 115/75, 95/55)
– 10/8 cal row
– 5 TnG Squat Cleans
– 10/8 cal row
– 5 TnG Squat Cleans
rest 5-7 mins

A1) TnG push press cluster 1.1.1; R10S/30S
A2) 6-12 UB CTB pull ups; R30S
A3) Pendlay row 5-10 reps @ 20X0 (60-70% 1RM bench press); rest 3min x 3 sets
*heavier than last week
B1) Bench press AMRAP @ 70% 1RM @ 30X0; R30S
B2) Farmer’s Carry 100m (heavy); R30S
B3) 15 V-ups; R2M x 3sets

Feb. 23-27 Programming Overview

If you still haven’t signed up for the open please do so >HERE<.



Monday 2/23/15

A) Deadlift

5×75%; R3M

3×85%; R3M


B) 3 max handstand for time: R90S


30 or 50 HSPU for time (I&A)

C) EMOM x 10 min

E: 5 TnG Deadlifts @ 60% + 3-5 burpees over the bar

O: Row 12/9 cal


Tuesday 2/24/15

A1) TnG push press cluster 1.1.1; R10S/30S

A2) 6-12 UB CTB pull ups; R30S

A3) Pendlay row 5-10 reps @ 20X0 (60-70% 1RM bench press); rest 3min x 3 sets

*heavier than last week

B1) Bench press AMRAP @ 70% 1RM @ 30X0; R30S

B2) Farmer’s Carry 100m (heavy); R30S

B3) 15 V-ups; R2M x 3sets


Wednesday 2/25/15

3-4 sets tough effort:

– 5 TnG Squat Cleans (135/95, 115/75, 95/55)

– 10/8 cal row

– 5 TnG Squat Cleans

– 10/8 cal row

– 5 TnG Squat Cleans

rest 6-8 mins


Thursday 2/26/15

Open athletes: 10 min AD or row easy + mobility work


Everyone else:

A1) Weighted/negative pull ups 3,3,3,3; R30S

A2) Good mornings 6-8×4 @ 20X1 (moderate load); R2-3M


21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time:

– KB swings (heavy)

– box step-ups (24/20”)


Friday 2/27/15

Open workout 15.1


A) Deadlift

5×75%; R3M

3×85%; R3M


B) 3 max handstand holds for total time; R90S


30 or 50 HSPU for time (retest from 2/9)

C) EMOM x 10 min

E: 5 TnG Deadlifts @ 60% + 5 burpees over the bar

O: Row 12/9 cal


4-6 sets increase pace per set:

– 20/15 cal row

– 5 squat cleans @65% 1RM

– 5 box jump-SD (30/24”)

– 10 T2B

– 30 DU

rest walk 5-6 mins