A1) RDL @3211; 8-12×3; rest 30 sec

A2) ring pushups @20X1; amrap(-2); 3 sets; rest 90 sec

B1) DB row @31X0; 8-12×3; rest 30 sec btw arms; rest 30 sec

B2) DB press (single arm) @3111; 8-12×3; rest 90 sec


8 min amrap @open pace:

3 Shoulder to overhead (95/65)

3 CTB chin up

6 S2OH

6 CTB chin up





A) Overhead squat 2, 2, 2, 2 @30X1; R2-3M


2 rounds all out push the pace:

– 250m row

– 15 KB swings 70/44

– 25 burpees

– 15 KB swings

– 250m row

rest 10 min (actively – work on recovery/mobility)


Coach’s choice midline stability work if time permits.


– compare to 1/27



A) Split Jerk x 2-3 (build in load depending on form) – 5 sets; rest 60-90 sec


A) Split Jerk x 2-3 (80%+) – 5 sets; rest 60-90 sec

*Heavier than 2/2


B1) Close grip bench press 2-3 x4 @ 30X1; rest 30 sec

B2) Weighted pull-ups 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 1:30-2 min

or negatives with 5-6 seconds descending

C1) Seated Arnold press 3×8-10; rest 30 seconds

C2) Standing BB curls 3×8-10; res 30 sec (tighten midline, no swinging)

C3) 5 tough standing broad jumps; rest 90 sec x 3


*Compare to 1/31 & 2/2


The 2014 CrossFit Open

The 2014 CrossFit Open is just a few weeks away. What does it mean to be part of the Open? The Open is composed of 5 workouts set over 5 weeks. You will have 5 days to complete each workout and send in your results under our Gym’s profile. The Open is for those of you ready and willing to test their fitness against others across the globe. It’s an opportunity for you to gain an appreciation for your strengths, weaknesses and mental toughness.

The first Open workout will be released on Thursday, Feb. 27. The fifth and final Open workout will be released five weeks later on Thursday, March 27. Athletes will have from Thursday evening until Monday evening to do the workout and submit their scores.

It is recommended that only athletes comfortable with RX weights and movements sign up. There will be a chance every week for our entire community to experience each workout as it will be part of our normal programming. There will be scaling options of course! On the fence about signing up? Ask a coach to see if it is right for you.

The workouts will be on each Friday at the gym. The 6:30pm class will be put on hold for these 5 weeks as this time will give those athletes who’ve signed up for the Open a chance to complete the workout with a judge. If you are not interested in officially signing up please plan on attending and supporting those athletes who are. Please come and hang out, judge, cheer and make the atmosphere all around awesome for those competing.

Interested? Sign up HERE.

A) Squat clean cluster 2.2.2×3; rest 15 sec/2-3 min (TnG)


B1) Front rack walking lunges; 20 tough alt. steps; 3 sets; rest 30 sec

(heavier than last time)

B2) 25 quick abmat sit-ups (legs straight) x3; rest 60 sec


B1) Front rack walking lunges; 20 tough alt. steps; 3 sets; rest 30 sec

(heavier than last week)

B2) 10-15 T2B AFAP x3; rest 60 sec


C) Row 500 m @95%

– rest 4 min x 3


*keep same average pace on rows

*Do at least 10 T2B, if UB then do 10-15 but no more than 15

*record times for each row and SC weight


A) Press 5-3-3; rest 2-3 min – build to a 3RM if able

B) EMOM x 6 min

– 1 Power clean + 3 Push jerks TnG (stay with same weight AHAP) – heavier than last time (1/23)


12-9-6-3 reps for time

– Clean and Jerk 135/95

– Burpee


*10 min cut-off


Six Pack Abs

Photo Courtesy of Muscleandfitness.com

Raise your hands if you want six pack abs.Everyone? Go ahead and put your hand down.

First, let’s acknowledge that asking this question on a CrossFit blog is ironic. No one in CrossFit talks about wanting six pack abs. Or eight pack abs. Or ab definition. It’s part of the (awesome) CrossFit culture to eschew modern fitness goals like “get six pack abs fast” and “lose weight and tone up”.

However, one look at the top CrossFitters will tell you that CrossFit & abs go together. CrossFit and great arms go together. CrossFit and great legs go together. We don’t chase aesthetics, but the method of training that we follow (ironically!) produces the aesthetics our peers (ineffectively!) chase.

Why is that? Why does the program that never talks about aesthetics seem to produce the best look? Two reasons.

1) Crossfit uses potent movements done at a high intensity. The lifts that you see in CrossFit all use your abs. Heavy Back Squat? Using your abs to keep your torso upright. Kipping Pull Ups? Using your abs and glutes to produce a powerful kip. Burpess? Oh, even burpees use your abs to get you up from the ground. Each of these movements can create a stronger response than your typical crunch or sit up.

Kipping Pullups at the CrossFit Games
Kipping Pullups at the CrossFit Games

2) Performance goals are more fun than aesthetic goals. The goal “six pack abs” is painfully dull. The goal “complete Fran in under 5 minutes” is challenging, engaging, and fun. When a person is engaged in their goal, they are more likely to actively pursue it.  Working out with your friends, perfecting skills, and chasing performance is fun. Starving yourself and doing 1000 crunches is not fun. It’s not rocket science…people are more likely to continue doing things they consider to be fun, and they’re less likely to keep doing things that they consider dull.

At the end of the day, six pack abs aren’t the goal. Toned legs aren’t the goal. Bulging biceps aren’t the goal. Because (let’s be honest) those things don’t  matter. The goal is to be fit, healthy, and capable of living life to the fullest. CrossFit will get you there, and you may get a few bonus perks along the way, too!

A) Deadlift cluster x 4; rest 10 sec/3 min (don’t drop from top)


3-4 rounds @ 90%:

– 500 m row

– 20 alt. DB snatches (70/40)

– 20 KB swings (heavy)

*rest 4-5 min