A) 6x 1 power clean + 1 push press + 2 split jerk; rest 90sec (build per set)

B1) Close grip bench press @ 32X1; 5, 5, 5; rest 30 sec (heavier than 11/25)

B2) Good mornings @2022; 7-10×3; rest 90 sec (take from ground)

C1) 7 DB snatches per side (70/40, 60/30, 50/20); rest 60 sec

C2) 3 standing broad jumps as far as possible; rest 60 sec x 3


4-5 sets 80-90% effort

Run 400m

15 Pull-ups

15 Wall balls

15 KBS 1.5/1pd

50 Double unders

rest 4-5mins


*Try for 15 on pull-ups. If 15 UB is unattainable, just do a max set UB but do at least 8 no matter what.

*Record time for each round.

*Keep round times the same.


Time To Shave The ‘Stache


We are so proud of our community as we come off of our annual competition, Barbells and Handlebars. Seeing everyone come together, competitors and volunteers both, to make this event happen is what the spirit of CrossFit is all about. We are tallying up the money raised for Movember and will let everyone know as soon as possible. Check out the scores from Saturday along with some of the pictures from Instagram that you all took. If you took any pictures of the event, please add a #bbhb2013 for them to end up on the Barbells and Handlebars website and we can all enjoy them.





A1) Front Squat 4-5×3 @ 30X1; rest 90 sec

A2) Bent over DB/KB row 6-8/arm; rest 30 sec btwn sides/90 sec after both x3


Emom 12 min

Odd – Tng squat clean x 5 (55%)

Even – 20 Double unders (40singles)


*Speed out of the bottom on FS.

*If can’t keep up on EMOM just go to the next minute/movement.