A) E2MOM x 8 sets

– 1 power clean + 1 hang squat clean

*Start at 65% and build to a heavy set.


B) Every 8 min x 3 sets:

– 20/15 cal row

– 15 burpee box jump overs

– 400m run

reserve a class

A) EMOM x 5 sets:

– 1 x front squat @ 60-80%


E2MOM x 4-5 sets:

– 1 x front squat @ 85, 90, 95, 95+, 95+%

*Build to a heavy rep.


B) Every 2 minutes x 3 sets

–  7 back squats @ 70-75%

*Try 5% heavier than last week.


C) EMOM x 8 minutes:

– 8 alternating heavy DB snatches (75/50, 50/35, 35/25)

– max effort double unders in remaining time

*Score is total number of DUs

A) EMOM x 10 min

1: 4 burpee + box jump overs + 4-8 toes to bar

2: 10-15 RKB swings (heavy)


B) EMOM x 10 min

1: 200m run w/ sandbag (60/30)

2: rest


C) EMOM x 10 min

1: 12/9 cal row

2: 10-15 wallballs (20/14)


*Rest about 3 minutes in between.

A) E3MOM x 5 sets:

– 5-4-3-2-2 bench press @ 20X1

– 10-12 BB curls @ 20X1

– 10-12 medball supine hamstring curls @ 20X1

*BP should be heavier than last week.


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 1 lap/side suitcase carry (w/ farmers carry handle)

– 20 tricep pull-downs (w/ green band)

– 10/side KB front rack reverse lunges (AHAP)

– 10/side bent over DB rows (AHAP)

A) Every 10 minutes at 80-90% pace x 3-4 sets:

– 500/400m row

– 20 wallballs

– 20 alternating DB snatch (50/35)

– 20 box jumps – step down

– 50 double unders


*Switch order every set.

*Keep times consistent.


B) For quality:

– 50 banded pull-aparts

– 30 reverse snow angels w/ 2.5lb plates

A) E2MOM x 3 sets:

– 3 x high hang snatch @ 50-60%


E2MOM x 3 sets:

– 2 x hang snatch @ 65-75%


E2MOM x 3 sets:

– 1 x snatch @ 80-90%

*If mobility is an issue, limit movement to a power snatch.


B) E2MOM x 5 sets:

– 5 push press

*Start moderately heavy (60%) and build to a tough set.


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 6-10 strict pull-ups (add weight if needed)

– 6-10 strict handstand push-ups (scale 2/ 6 negatives)

– 10 hollow rocks + 10 V-ups + 10 hollow rocks

A) E2MOM x 8 sets:
– 1 power clean + jerk
*Jerk can be either push or split.
*Build to a heavy rep.

B) E5MOM x 4 sets @ 80-90%:
– 400m run
– 40 double unders
– 10 hang power cleans (135/95)

A) Every 60 seconds x 8 sets

– 1 front squat

*Start at heaviest 2 reps from last week and build if able.


B) Every 2 minutes x 3 sets

– 8 back squats @ 70%


C) For time:

– 30 cal row

– 30 thrusters (95/65)

– 30 burpees over the barbell