Form Work:
– Sumo Deadlift High Pull
– Medball Clean
– Clean
– Tabata overhead squat (resting in squat every 10sec.)
– 400 m run
* take the lowest rep count of all eight rounds and subtract it from your 400m time in seconds
Form Work:
– Sumo Deadlift High Pull
– Medball Clean
– Clean
– Tabata overhead squat (resting in squat every 10sec.)
– 400 m run
* take the lowest rep count of all eight rounds and subtract it from your 400m time in seconds
Elements Class 3:
Push Jerk
Overhead Squat
Kipping Pullup
20 min AMRAP
5 Man Makers
10 Squats
15 Toes to bar
200m Run
Elements Class 2:
Push Press
Monthly Challenge: Max burpees in 2 min
Intro to CrossFit. Front squat and back squat technique.
Eight rounds for time of: