A) EMOM x 16 min
E: 3 deadlifts
O: 5 strokes on the rower
*build deadlift triple to something heavyish and increase intensity over the course of 8 sets
*this is a warm-up so don’t out do yourself!

B) Open workout 16.4
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:
55 deadlifts
55 wall-ball shots
55-calorie row
55 handstand push-ups

*deadlifts @ 225/155, 185/125, 155/105, 135/95
*sub HSPUs with HR push-ups

**Join us for Friday Night Lights – Round 4 and watch our competing athletes take on this workout starting at 6:30pm!**

Every 10 minutes, for 40 minutes (4 sets), complete the following as quickly as possible:

– Row 1000/800m

– Run 400m

– 15 Box jump overs (24/20”)

– 30 Russian twists (20/14)


*Use this as a “flush” to prime your body for tomorrow’s 16.4 workout.

A) EMOM x 15 min

1: 3-4 Close grip bench press @ 2111 (heavier than 2/18)

2: 10-12 Bent over DB rear delt flys @ 20X0

3: 6-8 Tough Romanian deadlifts @2111


B) Every 5 min x 20 minute (4 sets)…

3 min AMRAP:

– 400 m run

– Max power snatch in remaining time @ (135/95, 115/75, 95/65, 75/45)



*Focus on resetting for each power snatch if unable to go TnG. Be nice to the 10 & 15lb plates by not dropping them from above the waist!

A) Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):

Front Squat

*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 65%

*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75%

*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85%

*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 90%

*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 95%

*Set 6 – 2 reps @ 90%

*Set 7 – 4 reps @ 85%

*Set 8 – 6 reps @ 80%


B) 8 min AMRAP @ Open pace:

– 2 thruster (115/75, 95/65, 75/45)

– 2 chest to bar pull-ups

– 4 thrusters

– 4 chest to bar pull-ups

– 6 thrusters

– 6 chest to bar pull-ups

… keep stacking on 2 more reps each round.


C) 3 sets:

– bent over DB row x 10-15 reps/side (heavy)

– R60S between sets

A) Every 90 sec x 15 minutes (10 sets):

– hang squat clean (mid-thigh) + low hang squat clean (below the knee)

*Below the knee should be 2″ below the knee with plates off the ground.

*Build to something heavy.


B) EMOM x 15-18 min (5-6 sets)

1: 12/9 cal row (45 sec max)

2: 6 TnG power cleans (moderately tough weight – can build)

3: 5-10 Handstand push-ups


*Scale HSPUs with either a box or band or L-seated DB press. Keep a tight midline with hips stacked over your shoulders (or under for DB presses) and work full range of motion (top of head on floor to full extension of elbows).


8am Masters

For time, splitting reps with a partner:

– 1200m row

– 120 RKB swings

– 1000m row

– 100 Russian Twist

– 800m row

– 80 goblet squats (or air squats)

– 600m row

– 60 sit-ups

– 400m row

– 40 DB snatch

– 200m row

– 20 burpees


9am CrossFit

30 min AMRAP w/ a partner:

Partner “Kelly”

– 400 m run

– 30 box jumps (24/20”)

– 30 wallballs (20/14”)


*Partner A completes the run. Partner B completes the box jumps. Partner A completes the wallballs. Partner B completes the run… and so on switching movements as you go.


10am 16.3 Make-Up

Sign up for a spot via the Eventbrite link sent out on Friday so we know you’re coming!

A) EMOM x 10 min

– 1 power snatch

*build to something heavy


B) Open workout 16.3

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:

– 10 power snatches (75/55, 65/45, 55/35)

– 3 bar muscle-ups


*You can scale the bar MUs by doing 5 chest to bar pull-ups, 5 kipping pull-ups, or 5 banded pull-ups.


C) 3 rounds not for time:

– 6-8/side rear foot elevated split squats w/ DBs or KBs @ 30X1

– 8-10/side single arm DB press @2111


**Join us for Friday Night Lights and watch our competing athletes take on this workout starting at 6:30pm!**

A) 6-8 sets:
– 25/20 calorie row tough
– 50 double unders or 120 singles

B) 3 sets:
– Bent over BB rows x 6-8 reps @ 21X0
Rest as needed
– Reverse Snow Angels x 15-20 reps
Rest as needed
– Face-Up Chinese Planks x 60 seconds
Rest as needed