A) Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 6 reps @ 65%
*Set 2 – 4 reps @ 75%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 90%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 95%
*Set 6 – 1 walk out at 102-105%
*Set 7 – Max Unbroken Reps @ 90%
(athletes are allowed only on full breathing cycle at the top of the lift – exhale, inhale, brace and descend – once more rest is taken at the top the set should end)

B) 3 rounds not for time:
– hand over hand sled pull x 1 length of gym (heavy but fast)
– suitcase farmers carry x 1 length of gym/arm (heavy but fast)
– hanging L-hold or bent knee hold x 30 seconds (accumulate)
– 10-20 alternating pistols or pistol progressions

A) EMOM x 15 min (5 sets)

1: 5 bench press @ 20X1

2: 8-10 supine medball hamstring curls @ 21X1

3: 5-10 strict supinated chest to bar pull-ups

*Increase weight on bench press and end on a heavy 5.


B) For time:

– 1000/800 meter row

– 20 hang power cleans (185/125, 155/105, 135/95, 115/75)

– 100 double unders (300 single unders)


C) 3 rounds not for time:

– 10-15 bent over DB row/arm

Rest as needed

A) “Last Man Standing”
On the minute, every minute, perform the following – once you fail at a certain movement, move immediately to the next (starting with the next minute interval). Pick a level:

Level 1
A) EMOM – 1 Muscle up
B) EMOM – 1 Front squat x 1 (start @ 60% and build 20/10 lbs every set until failure)
C) EMOM – 20 Wallballs (20/14)
D) EMOM – 10/8 Handstand push-ups

Level 2
A) EMOM – 12/9 Pull-ups
B) EMOM – 1 Front squat x 1 (start @ 60% and build 20/10 lbs every set until failure)
C) EMOM – 15 Wallballs (20/14)
D) EMOM – 6/4 Handstand push-ups

Level 3
A) EMOM – 8/6 Pull-ups
B) EMOM – 1 Front squat x 1 (start @ 60% and build 20/10 lbs every set until failure)
C) EMOM – 10 Wallballs (20/14)
D) EMOM – 12/9 perfect push-ups

B) 3 sets:
500m row for time; R3M

A) E90S x 12 min
– 1 push press + 1 push jerk + 2 split jerk

B) EMOM x 15-21 min
1: 12 KB swings (70/53, 53/35)
2: 10 Push press (115/75, 95/65, 75/45)
3: 40 Double unders

A) E2MOM x 12 min (6 sets)

– Power clean cluster 1.1 @ 80-90%

(rest exactly 10 sec between each rep)

*Heavier than 3/28


B) 3 rounds for time:

– 400m run

– 12 Deadlifts (225/155, 185/115, 135/95)

– 15 Box jumps – SD (24/20”)

A) E2MOM x 10 min (5 sets)
– 5 TnG push press
*Building to a heavy 5

B) EMOM x 12-15 min
– 3 power clean + push press (135/95, 115/75, 95/65)
– 5 burpees over the barbell

C) 3 rounds not for time:
– 10 DB tricep rollback extensions
– 40 sec BB behind the back wrist curls (55/35)

A) E2MOM x 16 min
– Power snatch cluster 1.1.1
(Rest 10 sec between reps)

B) 3 rounds for times:
– 400 m run
– 20 wallballs
– 20 alternating DB snatch (50-75/20-45)

C) 3 rounds not for time:
– 6-8 DB rear foot elevated split squats @ 30X1 ®
– R60S
– 6-8 DB rear foot elevated split squats @ 30X1 (L)
– R60S
– 10-20 straight body crunches

A) EMOM x 15 min (5 sets)
1: 5-15 supinated pull-ups
2: 6-8 good mornings @ 20X1
3: 5-15 perfect push-ups
*If you are good at push-ups, wrap a band around your back for more resistance

B) EMOM x 16 min (8 sets)
E: 12/9 cal row
O: 2-3 NPU man makers 35-55/15-30

NPU man maker = row, push-up, row, power clean, push press