E3MOM x 15 min

– 6 push press

*Sets 3-5 heavier than 10/21.


B) For time:

– Row 1000/800m

– 30 shoulder to overhead (115/75)

– Run 800m

A) 4 sets:
– 6 Romanian deadlifts @ 3011
– R30S
– 8-10 DB bent over rows/ side @ 2011
– R30S
– L-sit x 30-45 sec accumulated
– R90S

B) 3-4 sets for efficiency:
– box push x 1 length
– hand over hand sled pull x 1 length
– 20 seated hamstring curls with band
– 20 hollow rocks

A) Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):
– 20 Dumbbell Walking Lunges (heavy)
– 20/15 Ring Dips

B) E3MOM x 12-18 min (4-6 sets):
– 15 RKB swings (70/53)
– 20 wallballs (20/14)
– 30 double unders

A) 8 minutes to build to a heavy power clean + split jerk
*Acquire heavy rep in 6 working sets. Do not fatigue yourself.

B) E3MOM x 9 minutes (3 sets)
– 6-8 TnG ground to overhead
*Use a power clean + push jerk and work on barbell cycling.
*Use a weight heavier than last week but stay UB.

C) 4 rounds for time:
– 10 deadlifts (225/155, 185/125, 155/105, 135/95)
– 12 toes to bar

A) E3MOM x 12 min (4 sets)
– 3-4 front squats
*5-10 lbs heavier than 10/25 (80-85%)

B) EDCF Capacity Test (the re-test)
For max reps and calories:
– 4 minutes row for calories
Rest 60 seconds
– 3 minutes of strict supinated pull-ups
Rest 60 seconds
– 2 minutes of back squat (BW/.75BW)
Rest 60 seconds
– 1 minute of burpees to target (about 6 inches)

A) E2MOM x 5 min (5 sets)
– 5 back squats @ 32X1
*Heavier than 10/14 or 70+%.

B) For time:
– 50 cal row
– 40 wallballs
– 30 CTB pull-ups
– 20 burpee box jump overs (24/20”)
– 10 strict handstand push-ups

A) E2MOM x 5 min (5 sets)

– 5 back squats @ 32X1

*Heavier than 10/14 or 70+%.


B) For time:

– 50 cal row

– 40 wallballs

– 30 CTB pull-ups

– 20 burpee box jump overs (24/20”)

– 10 strict handstand push-ups

A) E2MOM x 12 min

– Strict overhead press x 3-4 @ 80-90%

R3M, then…

– 10 reps @ 70+% (heavier than 10/12 if able)


B) EMOM x 12 min (6 sets)

E: Row 12/9 cal

O: 2-3 DB man makers (35-55/20-30)


*Man maker = row + push up + row + power clean + thruster

*Row 15/12 cal if able.


C) 3 sets for efficiency:

– 8-10 single arm ring rows @ 2011

– 5 TGUP sit-ups/arm (heavy but controlled)