Posted Jun 18 2013 by Ryan Savard
The Second Annual 300 ChallengeFloor wipers courtesy of Bryan P. EDCF is proud to announce our second annual 300 Challenge on Saturday, July 13th. The 300 Challenge is a WOD for all levels and will include beginner, intermediate, and elite (as rx’d) divisions with standard scaling options for each. We will be limiting p[...]
Posted Jun 11 2013 by Ryan Savard
Champ For A Day, Fit For A LifetimeDennis was tired hearing his wife and three girls constantly chattering about crossfit. He ignored their invites to the gym as best he could for as long as he could. He ate what he wanted whenever he wanted. Even though he wouldn’t admit it. It was time for a change. He was sitting at 238lb, a[...]
Posted Jun 04 2013 by Ryan Savard
Summer Athletic Development ProgramWhat is the Athletic Development Program? The Athletic Development Program (ADP) is a program designed for high school athletes (ages 15-18) who seek to improve their sports performance. The ADP utilizes the principles of CrossFit while dedicating more time to teaching and building the training sk[...]
Posted May 29 2013 by Ryan Savard
Functionally Progressive Training Through Fluid PeriodizationThe CF main site states the aim of CrossFit is to “forge a broad, general and inclusive fitness… a program that will best prepare trainees for any physical contingency — not only for the unknown, but for the unknowable.” The same holds true for our thinking at EDCF. We want to ma[...]
Posted May 23 2013 by Ryan Savard
Memorial Day 2013Memorial Day Murph 2012 This coming Monday morning, we will be doing things a little differently than in the past. While we usually take on “Murph”, this year we will take on another Hero WOD (or maybe a mixture of a few, muhuhaha!). Jen H. has also made a donation jar for the victims of[...]
Posted May 23 2013 by Ryan Savard
Meet The Girls Benchmark Workouts – Free CrossFit PosterWe want to thank everyone who has shared our meet the girls infographic over the past 2 months. Your feedback and comments have been incredible. There have been more than a few requests to turn this infographic into a full-sized CrossFit poster and to show our gratitude we are releasing the file t[...]
Posted May 17 2013 by Ryan Savard
Farewell, FriendsZach and Kelsea have been a major part of the growth of our box and its surrounding community. Kelsea has been behind the awesome designs of our current logo and recent t-shirts while has Zach stood by us since EDCF was just a concept. He even built the webpage you are looking at right now. This we[...]
Posted May 01 2013 by Ryan Savard
Row, Row, Row Your… Erg?You might have noticed that since the arrival of the new rowers (or ergs), rowing has become pretty common in our weekly programming. Love it or hate it, rowing is here to stay. Why should you learn to respect it? Well for starters, you can’t cheat the distance on the rower. Also, rowing allow[...]