Programming Overview: July 17 – 23 (N&WP Week 11)Programming Overview: July 17 – 23 (N&WP Week 11)

Posted Jul 17 2017 by Ryan Savard

Programming Overview: July 17 – 23 (N&WP Week 11)

Week 11 of our Nutrition & Wellness Program: This week you will adjust your macros again based on how the last 2 weeks went.  Did you notice any changes, positive or negative, in your body, how you feel or your performance?  The first thing to adjust is your fat intake: Trying to lose weight: [...]

Programming Overview: July 10-16 (N&WP Week 10)Programming Overview: July 10-16 (N&WP Week 10)

Posted Jul 10 2017 by Ryan Savard

Programming Overview: July 10-16 (N&WP Week 10)

Week 10 of the Nutrition & Wellness Program is as follows: Maintain the alterations you made during week 9 with your macro numbers.  Continue to weigh yourself and pay attention to how you feel day to day, at work, at home and during activity.  Please let your small group coach know if your w[...]

Programming Overview: June 27 – July 2 (N&WP Week 8)Programming Overview: June 27 – July 2 (N&WP Week 8)

Posted Jun 27 2017 by Ryan Savard

Programming Overview: June 27 – July 2 (N&WP Week 8)

Well, it’s now week 8 and right now we are working on maintaining what we have started over the last 2 months.  Yup, it’s already been 2 months… Nothing new this week!  We just want to reinforce good habits. Remember to keep logging your food, whether you use the MyFitnessPal a[...]

Programming Overview: June 19-25 (N&WP Week 7)Programming Overview: June 19-25 (N&WP Week 7)

Posted Jun 19 2017 by Ryan Savard

Programming Overview: June 19-25 (N&WP Week 7)

Nutrition & Wellness Program: Week 7 During week 7 we want to address how you eat on training days versus rest days.  On days that you workout you will expend and need more energy than the days that you rest from the gym.  You will need to consume more carbohydrates and a little less fat.  [...]

Programming Overview: June 12-18 (N&WP Week 6)Programming Overview: June 12-18 (N&WP Week 6)

Posted Jun 12 2017 by Ryan Savard

Programming Overview: June 12-18 (N&WP Week 6)

Week 6 (half way!) of the Nutrition & Wellness Program is here and we are dropping an important concept… Nutrient Timing! We want you to move heavy fat consumption away from training time and move more carbohydrate consumption closer to training time.  When your body is under extreme str[...]

Programming Overview: June 5-11 (N&WP Week 5)Programming Overview: June 5-11 (N&WP Week 5)

Posted Jun 05 2017 by Ryan Savard

Programming Overview: June 5-11 (N&WP Week 5)

EDCF Nutrition & Wellness Program Week 5 Building on the elements we have introduced the first 4 weeks, this week we want you to start some portion control.  The goal for each meal is a palm size of lean protein, a fist size of complex carb and a thumb of fat.  You may eat as many non-starchy[...]

Programming Overview: May 29 – June 4 (N&WP Week 4)Programming Overview: May 29 – June 4 (N&WP Week 4)

Posted May 30 2017 by Ryan Savard

Programming Overview: May 29 – June 4 (N&WP Week 4)

Our second group meeting is this coming Sunday, June 4th at 11am. Wow it’s already week 4!  Any issues, questions, concerns?  We hope you guys are starting to notice changes in your body, maybe your sleep and how you feel at the gym and at work day to day.  Have you noticed any changes? [...]

Programming Overview: May 22-28Programming Overview: May 22-28

Posted May 22 2017 by Ryan Savard

Programming Overview: May 22-28

Week 3 of the EDCF Nutrition & Wellness Program starts this week! The goal for this week is to consume 2-3 liters of water each day and aim for 6-8hrs of sleep/night. Make your sleep environment conducive by eliminating light before bed. Looking at a TV or computer screen will keep your brain s[...]