Posted Nov 04 2011 by Ryan Savard
it’s the size of the fight in the manWe are making the trip down to Belton, TX early tomorrow morning for our first competition. Six different athletes from ED*CF will be competing and putting all that hard training to work. Good luck Mason, Adam, Ben O., Zach, Emily and Kimberly! You guys are going to kill it! Here are the WODs they [...]
Posted Nov 02 2011 by Ryan Savard
Why Olympic Lift?via YouTube via YouTube The first pull of the snatch. via YouTube via YouTube The second and third pulls of the snatch. Why Olympic Lift? Written by David Miller of CrossFit Invictus Why be strong, why workout? To be fit, healthy…maximize one’s quality of living, maybe. There[...]
Posted Oct 31 2011 by Ryan Savard
The Wodapalooza Central Texas Challenge for intermediate and beginner CrossFitters is this coming weekend and we have 5 athletes from East Dallas CF competing! Some of the movements involved this weekend are ground-to-overhead, clean and jerks, front squats and deadlifts along with bar-facing burpe[...]
Posted Oct 28 2011 by Ryan Savard
Schedule ChangesCongrats to everyone for coming up on their first complete week on the Paleo 30 Day Challenge. Here are some schedule changes to note: Monday: 5:45am CrossFit / 7:00am CrossFit // 5:15pm CrossFit / 6:30pm CrossFit / 7:30pm Elements Tuesday: 5:45am CrossFit / 7:00am Masters // 6:30pm CrossFit / 7:3[...]
Posted Oct 26 2011 by Ryan Savard
Mini Egg Pizza Recipe… and it’s Paleo!Ingredients: 1 Tbsp lard or olive oil 1 small red onion, diced 1 Tbsp tomato paste 2 C tomatoes, diced (or one 14 oz. can, strained) 1 C pepperoni, diced 10 eggs 1 tsp salt 1 tsp dried oregano 1 tsp dried basil ¼ tsp black pepper 1 C black olives, chopped (optional) 1 C mushrooms, chopped (option[...]
Posted Oct 25 2011 by Ryan Savard
Athlete of the Week: MasonMason has been with us from the very beginning, when ED*CF was nothing more than a dark sweatbox. Since then, Mason has made incredible improvements in form, work capacity, strength, flexibility and even diet when him and Jen H. completed a 30 day paleo challenge on their own! I mean just look at[...]
Posted Oct 24 2011 by Ryan Savard
30 Day Challenge: Day 1So it begins… The dreaded 30 days or ridding your diet of all that is questionable for consumption. It will be tough, but you will be tougher! Good luck to all those participating. Some ideas for paleo friendly snacks: Hard Boiled Eggs Leftovers Smoothie Handful of Nuts (Almonds, Macadamias, [...]
Posted Oct 21 2011 by Ryan Savard
The big day is comingThe East Dallas CrossFit 30 Day Challenge starts this coming Monday (October 24th). Information was sent out via email. If you did not receive the email, please let me know at [email protected]. Time to make some sacrifices! Are you up for it? FREE Saturday workout this Saturday at 10am. [...]