EMOM for 7 minutes:

1 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Hang Squat Clean – heaviest possible.


15 min amrap:

– 25 CTB chin ups
– 50 double unders
– 25 knees to elbow
– 50 double unders
– 25 toes to bar
– 50 double unders
…AMRAP squat clean in remaining time (135/95)

A1. Weighted Pull-ups: 2-3 x 5; rest 20 seconds

A2. Box jumps AHAP: 2-3 x 5; rest 1:30 minutes


3 rounds for time of:

– Run 200m
– 20 KB snatches (53/35)
– Run 200m
– 2o KB overhead walking lunges – 10/arm (53/35)

3 stations, each 10 minutes in duration, 2 min of prep time before starting the power cleans.

1. Bench press – work up to a 3RM

2. 2k row for time

3. EMOM perform 2 TnG power cleans at 75-80% of 1RM for 8 min.

*It’s your choice where you start. Have to complete all three.

Dr. Nick Ponomarenko

Next Monday, January 14th, Dr. Nick Ponomarenko will be at EDCF from 6-8pm. For just $30 you can receive an ART treatment, an adjustment, and get kinesio taped. Dr. Nick is one of a minority of chiropractors specializing in active release technique (ART) and is a certified kinesio tape specialist for the CrossFit athlete. His goal is to get you back to %100 in as few visits as possible.

What is ART? ART is a patented, state of the art soft tissue system/movement based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. Headaches, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, knee problems, and tennis elbow are just a few of the many conditions that can be resolved quickly and permanently with ART. These conditions all have one important thing in common: they are often a result of overused muscles.

What is kinesio tape? With its unique stretch and superior adhesive, kinesio tape creates a bio-mechanical lifting mechanism which delays fatigue, stabilizes joints, prevents ring and hand burn and promotes proper form. Most importantly, kinesio tape promotes improved circulation and healing post WOD. Dr. Nick is a certified RockTape specialist and understands how kinesio tape should be applied to CrossFit.

So if you have a problem areas that need extra attention and can’t break away from work to attend to them, then come see Dr. Nick next Monday evening. A sign-up for time slots will be on the right side of the whiteboard. Dr. Nick will be seeing people every 20 minutes. Plan it right and you can see him before the WOD or right after!

15 minutes Hang Snatch (full squat) technique work.


8 min AMRAP of:

– Run 200m
– 16 Pistols (alternating)
– 8 Push Jerks (135/95)

-then (after 30 second rest)-

3 min ME Lateral Burpees (over bar)

Introducing The Box Squat

The Box Squat

Today starts a new strength cycle focusing on the box squat. From a safety & performance standpoint, Box Squats are superior to raw squats in many ways. Here’s how to perform box squats with proper technique today:

  • Always use the low bar back squat technique.
  • Narrow your grip. This keeps your upper back tight.
  • Widen your stance. Your feet should be wider than a regular squat stance.
  • Turn your feet out about 30°.
  • Keep your chest up, keep your gaze forward all while pushing your abs out.
  • Push the hips back like your trying to find a chair to begin the squat.
  • Keep your shins perpendicular to the floor and your knees pushed out.
  • Lower yourself with control and sit on the box. Do not rock or touch and go!!
  • Pause for a second and explode up from the box applying pressure through your heal and the outside of your foot.


Box Squat (Week 1)

– work up to a heavy triple

– 5×3 @ 80% of today’s heavy


9 Minute AMRAP:

– 4 V-ups

– 8 HR push-ups

– 12 KB Swings (53/35)