4 sets @90%:

– 10 alt. DB snatch tough

– run 200m hard

rest 2 min


4 sets @90%:

– 10 KB swings tough

– run 90 sec hard

rest 2 min


FLR on floor or rings – accumulate 4 min



A) HB Back Squat 3, 2, 1, 1; R3M

– if feeling something go for it, if not shut it down and move on


3-4 sets @ open pace:

– row 400m

– 9 front squats

– 7-10 pull ups

– 12 burpees

rest 3-4 min


– front squats should build per round and should be tough but UB

– pull-ups should be strict if banded, kipping if not

Meet Kaitlin Starrett

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Hi East Dallas Crossfit!

Over the next few weeks, you’ll see an increasing number of posts to social media and this blog. My name is Kaitlin Starrett, and I’ll be the one producing some of them! I love to write, I love social media, and I love Crossfit, so (as you can imagine!) I’m excited about adding some content to help you get the most of your time at EDCF!

A little about me: I did my undergrad at UT-Austin and my master’s at Baylor, both in Kinesiology. After graduating from Baylor, I was hired on as a lecturer for undergraduate human performance courses. During that time, I taught several classes for Baylor and I launched a personal training business. I worked with a variety of clients, and I focused on nutrition and fat loss. I realized that I loved helping people reach their goals, but that I didn’t know what type of goals to set after their physique goals had been met. Then, I became exposed to Crossfit and holistic nutrition in 2012, and my world was rocked. I loved chasing performance rather than aesthetics, and I’ve had so much fun mastering my first pull up, first 1.5x body weight deadlift, first pistol, and more. There are truly no limits to what you can accomplish when you do Crossfit! As well, I adopted a paleo-zone style of eating, and I saw really great results, both in my body composition and in my general feeling of well-being. I now teach full time at Southern Methodist University as a lecturer in their Applied Physiology & Wellness department. I love teaching my students about weight training, nutrition, and the benefits of functional physical fitness. It is such a joy to share my love of fitness with my students and clients, and now I’m so excited to share with you!

When I’m not writing about fitness or working out, you can find me teaching at SMU, cooking delicious paleo meals, reading, or hanging out with friends, family and my soon-to-be husband, Brad!

I want to post about things that you are interested in, so feel free to find me at the gym (I’m usually in the evening classes!) or comment here to let me know what you want to learn about!

Wanna Try Us Out?

Join us for a free Introduction to CrossFit this Saturday at 11am. These free sessions happen every 1st and 3rd Saturday or each month. During this session you can expect to:

  • learn exactly what CrossFit is and is not
  • see what differentiates our gym from other CF gyms
  • go through a group warm-up
  • learn new movements and how to scale movements properly
  • partake in a beginner level workout
  • have any and all questions about the gym or CrossFit methodology answered

Ready to hop into the Prep Course? The next one is this coming Monday, February 3rd. Before you become a full member you will have to either go through the group (8 sessions) or private (6 sessions) prep course. These classes are designed to foster confidence and coordination with the main movements you will see in regular classes. Everything from an air squat to the olympic lifts is covered with an experienced coach. Sign up for the next one by clicking HERE!


A) Push press 2-3×4; R2M


A) Build to a heavy push press double in 10 min


10 min AMRAP @ 90%:

– 10 Deadlifts (225/155, 185/115, 135/95)

– 10 HR push ups

– 200 m run


A) Overhead squat 3, 3, 3 @3131; R2-3M


2 rounds all out push the pace:

– 250m row

– 15 KB swings 70/44

– 25 burpees

– 15 KB swings

– 250m row

rest 8 min


Coach’s choice midline stability work if time permits.


A)10 sets – every 2 min – C&J x 1 (build to a heavy)


B) Emom 6 min – 10 unbroken wall ball (14#), 4 burpee box jump over (20”)


10 min amrap @ open pace:

5 OHS (75#)

6 CTB chin up

20 DU

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

A) HB Back Squat; 2, 2, 2; rest 2-3 min (heavier than last week)

B1) Pendlay row 3×6-8 reps @20X1; rest 30 sec

B2) ME Handstand Push-ups; rest 90 sec

C) Airdyne 20 sec @100% effort for calories

– rest 3 min x 4-5 (depending on time)