A) Deadlift – build to a heavy 3 rep TnG in 10 min
4-5 sets tough:
– 5 power clean & jerk (building/set)
– 10 burpees (fast)
– 1 hill sprint AFAP
A) Deadlift – build to a heavy 3 rep TnG in 10 min
4-5 sets tough:
– 5 power clean & jerk (building/set)
– 10 burpees (fast)
– 1 hill sprint AFAP
A) Overhead squat 2, 2, 2 @30X1; R2-3M (compare to 6/9)
B) EMOM x 8 min
1 power snatch + 2 snatch balance (moderate weight/perfect form)
C) Row 500m @ 90%
– R2M x 6 (R4M after 3rd)
10mins 90% aero
– 200 m run
– 10 walk lunges
– 5 T2B/V-up
rest 3mins
10min 90% aero
– Row 150m
– 10 sit-ups
– 10 box jump – step down
rest 3mins
10min 90% aero
– Run 200m
– 6 burpees
– 10 KBS 53/35
Joe Gaspari came to us looking for a supplement to his running. You see, Joe has been running for quite a while. On top of that, Joe has been overdue for hip replacement because of a degenerative joint for years now. He still runs the Dallas Marathon every year but what is most impressive is that he has completed six pervious Boston Marathons. His goal this year was to complete his seventh and final Boston before going under the knife. Joe credits his training at EDCF for keeping him on his feet long enough to cross the finish line one more time. We just credit Joe’s stubbornness.
Outside The Box is an EDCF blog series dedicated to showcasing member achievements outside of the gym.
A) Clean & Jerk tech work up to 50%
B) 15 min – Build to a 1RM squat clean and split jerk (tester)
C1) Front squat @31X1; 3-4×4; rest 90 sec
C2) amrap strict chin ups @21X0; 4 sets; rest 1 min
D) FLR on rings accumulate 3 min
A1) Close grip bench press @30X1; 2-3×3; R20S
A2) DB bent over row; 8-10×3; R2M
B) Front rack reverse walking lunges 16-20 steps; 3 sets; rest 30 sec
C1) 15-20 Wallballs UB (20/14); R10S
C2) 20 weighted sit-ups with medball; R2M x 3
C1) 25-30 Wallballs UB (20/14); R10S
C2) AMRAP T2B; R2M x 3
A) Power clean cluster TnG
2.2.2 x 3 R10S/2-3M
– Power clean TnG x 5 build per set
– 10 no push up burpee box jumps 20/16”
– row 20 sec all out
R4-5M x 5 sets
*Compare to 6/11
15 min @ 85%
– Row 200m
– 2 TGUP/side (53/35) 4 total
– 10 box jumps – step down (24/20)
10 min @ 90%
– Row 200m
– 4 wall walks
5 min @ 95%
– 10 DB snatches (50-70/20-40) alternating
– 30 DU